Luna Multiplayer Mod (LMP)
Multiplayer mod for Kerbal Space Program (KSP)
Main features:
- Clean and optimized code, based on systems and windows which makes it easier to read and modify.
- Multi threaded.
- NTP protocol to sync the time between clients and the server.
- UDP based using the Lidgren library for reliable UDP message handling.
- Interpolation so the vessels won't jump when there are bad network conditions.
- Multilanguage.
- Nat-punchtrough feature so a server doesn't need to open ports on it's router.
- Servers displayed within the mod.
- Settings saved as XML.
- UPnP support for servers and master servers
- Better creation of network messages so they are easier to modify and serialize.
- Every network message is cached in order to reduce the garbage collector spikes.
- Based on tasks instead of threads.
- Supports career and science modes (funds, science, strategies, etc are shared between all players).
- Cached QuickLZ for fast compression without generating garbage.
- Support for groups/companies inside career and science modes.
Requires the latest version of the .net core 3.1 runtime for your OS;
Please visit this page in the wiki to solve the most common issues with LMP
Master Servers Statuses
Game Server List Release Version
Game Server List Nightly Version