
Yet another Clojure code analyze tool

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Yet another Clojure static code analyze tool.

Mustard is a static Clojure code analyzer plugin for Leiningen. It's goal is for helping developers to improve their code quality. Nothing too fancy or hard to use.

Mustard is currently under development and lacks most of its planned features. Use it at your own risk and only for code you trust (plugin uses readers).

Leiningen plugin can be found in Clojars:

Build Status


Put [lein-mustard "0.1.4"] into the :plugins vector of a project or your :user profile. For example ~/lein/profiles.clj would look like:

{:user {:plugins [[lein-mustard "0.1.4"]]}}


lein mustard



Key Description Type Default
:src-paths Overrides paths of source files Vector of strings :source-paths


There is two ways to configure mustard and individual linters.

Modify :mustard in project.clj or profile.clj.

:mustard {:skip-tests? true
          :path "src"
          :unused-requires {:enable? false}}


Unused requires

Mustard seeks for unused requires. Because Mustard is static code analyze tool, it will not find any unused :all requires or if there is redefined symbols.


Note that Mustard analyzes only first namespace declaring in file.

Mustard does not handle macros well at the moment.

Mustard does not handle reader conditionals (cljc-files) correctly at the moment.

Mustard does not support ClojureScript files at the moment.


Copyright © 2018 Matti Ahinko

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version, the same as Clojure.