Scrapes the web serial Pale into an eBook format.
Based on Domenic's original scraper for the Worm serial, see other branches for other series. Everything after this line is from the upstream when I originally forked it
These are for personal use only, please do not distribute any created epubs.
First you'll need a modern version of Node.js. Install whatever is current (not LTS).
Then, open a terminal (Mac documentation, Windows documentation) and install the program by typing
npm install -g worm-scraper
This will take a while as it downloads this program and its dependencies from the internet. Once it's done, try to run it, by typing:
worm-scraper --help
If this outputs some help documentation, then the installation process went smoothly. You can move on to assemble the eBook by typing
worm-scraper download convert scaffold zip
This will take a while, but will eventually produce a Worm.epub
EPUB is one of the primary eBook formats, but it is not recognized by all readers, including most Amazon Kindle devices. You can use an online converter or other tool to convert EPUB to Kindle MOBI, or any other format.
Alternately, if you are a developer, a pull request adding support for MOBI output would be appreciated; please open an issue to discuss how you plan to proceed.