
Terraform books for azure cloud

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform Azure Workshop 🔥


Install Terraform

  1. We will be running this workshop on Macbook
  2. Dowload Terraform binary for your system via https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.12.8/terraform_0.12.8_darwin_amd64.zip
  3. Once the binary is downloaded on your system, unzip it and move the binary to /usr/local/bin
  4. Move to the root and type terraform, the command should be recognized & give you Usage

Setup Terraform access to your Azure account

  1. Activate your microsolft azure account following the wiki.
  2. Login to your Azure account and then click on the Cloud Shell icon on the top right side; this will open a mini shell in the browser.
  3. On the cloud shell: Click -> Bash & Click -> Create storage. This will take a while to create & you will be connected to terminal shortly.
  4. On the cloud shell run: az account list --query "[].{name:name, subscriptionId:id, tenantId:tenantId}" to get a list of subscription ID and tenant ID values.
  5. Copy the value of subscriptionId from the above returned json.
  6. Next replace the above subscriptionId value to the following az account set --subscription="${subscriptionId}" & paste in the cloud shell. Hit enter , the command should not result anything in return.
  7. Now you can create a service principal for use with Terraform using az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/${subscriptionId}"
  8. The above command should return a json with key:value pairs appId,displayName,name,password & tenant . Copy all the details down.

Configure Terraform environment variables

To configure Terraform to use your Azure AD service principal, set the following environment variables, which are then used by the Azure Terraform modules.


Copy the below & paste in your .bash_profile replacing the variables that you noted earlier:

echo "Setting environment variables for Terraform"
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=your_subscription_id
export ARM_CLIENT_ID=your_appId
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET=your_password
export ARM_TENANT_ID=your_tenant_id

# Not needed for public, required for usgovernment, german, china
export ARM_ENVIRONMENT=public

Do a source .bash_profile on terminal

Install azure-cli on your macbook

  1. You also needs to install azure-cli on your local system For Mac: brew update && brew install azure-cli
  2. Login from your local terminal to azure via az login
  3. This will open a browser tab and will return details on to the terminal for subscription.

Final Check

. Move into the "Test" directory and then test if you can do stuff with terraform , use:

  1. terraform init // This should give you the azurerm version & say Terraform has been successfully initialized! , if a error occurs saying no azure cli then you missed installing the azure-cli
  2. terraform plan// This should give you a plan
  3. terraform apply // This will create the corresponding resource
  4. terraform destroy // This will destroy the resource
