Clickbait Game

Clickbait Game, 04-10-2017

By ** Stormi, Ryan, Megan, Riley, and Gloria **


Clickbait is an exciting click game where you complete each level by finding and clicking a specified objects. Beat the clock for extra points and try to have the top score in the top scores hall of fame!


Behavior Input Example Output Example
Application will recognize a Game class with a Game constructor that accepts player name to instantiate a game Game newGame = new Game("Player Name") newGame
Game will instantiate with beginning score of 0, and start at level 1 newGame.getScore(), newGame.getLevelId() 0, 1
Application will recognize level details from levels table newGame.getLevelId(), newGame.getLevelName(), newGame.getLevelInstruction(), newGame.getLevelMillis() 1, Swordfish, Find the Swordfish, 20000
Application will store time from beginning to end of each level, to determine time taken startTime = 40000, endTime = 40050 timeTaken = 50
Application will calculate level score based on time taken and levelMillis for bonus points int levelScore = newGame.calculateLevelScore(startTime, endTime, newGame.getLevelMillis()) levelScore = 20450
Application will add levelScore to total score at the completion of each level newGame.setScore(levelScore) original score: 0, new score: 20450
Application will cycle through each level from levels table in order
Application will report when all levels are complete and record final score in record of all games Game.all().contains(newGame) true
Application will list all scores from highest to lowest Game.getGamesByScore() of Games, sorted from highest to lowest score

Setup/Installation Requirements:

  • Clone the repository
  • Launch postgres
  • Launch psql
  • Run the following command in psql> CREATE DATABASE clickbait_game;
  • Run the following command in Terminal psql clickbait_game < clickbait_game.psql
  • Run the following command in Terminal gradle run
  • Open browser and go to localhost:4567


Copyright (c) 2017

This software is licensed under the MIT license.