Clickbait is an exciting click game where you complete each level by finding and clicking a specified objects. Beat the clock for extra points and try to have the top score in the top scores hall of fame!
Behavior | Input Example | Output Example |
Application will recognize a Game class with a Game constructor that accepts player name to instantiate a game | Game newGame = new Game("Player Name") | newGame |
Game will instantiate with beginning score of 0, and start at level 1 | newGame.getScore(), newGame.getLevelId() | 0, 1 |
Application will recognize level details from levels table | newGame.getLevelId(), newGame.getLevelName(), newGame.getLevelInstruction(), newGame.getLevelMillis() | 1, Swordfish, Find the Swordfish, 20000 |
Application will store time from beginning to end of each level, to determine time taken | startTime = 40000, endTime = 40050 | timeTaken = 50 |
Application will calculate level score based on time taken and levelMillis for bonus points | int levelScore = newGame.calculateLevelScore(startTime, endTime, newGame.getLevelMillis()) | levelScore = 20450 |
Application will add levelScore to total score at the completion of each level | newGame.setScore(levelScore) | original score: 0, new score: 20450 |
Application will cycle through each level from levels table in order | ||
Application will report when all levels are complete and record final score in record of all games | Game.all().contains(newGame) | true |
Application will list all scores from highest to lowest | Game.getGamesByScore() | of Games, sorted from highest to lowest score |
- Clone the repository
- Launch postgres
- Launch psql
- Run the following command in psql> CREATE DATABASE clickbait_game;
- Run the following command in Terminal psql clickbait_game < clickbait_game.psql
- Run the following command in Terminal gradle run
- Open browser and go to localhost:4567
Copyright (c) 2017
This software is licensed under the MIT license.