ISGC 2015 ANSE paper
To build the paper the reccomended way:
latex 'Integrating Network-Awareness and Network-Management into PhEDEx.tex'
dvips -Ppdf -z -G0 'Integrating Network-Awareness and Network-Management into PhEDEx.dvi' -o
ps2pdf -z -sPAPERSIZE=A4 'Integrating Network-Awareness and Network-Management into'
...but I find that doesn't work well. It works with pdflatex, though that's not recommended:
pdflatex 'Integrating Network-Awareness and Network-Management into PhEDEx.tex'
(if it complains about an error, just hit , it should continue)
N.B. Starting from a clean directory, you will need to run pdflatex twice in order to get the figure numbers and references correct.
Clean the working directory with: