
Ansible recipes for deploying storpool

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

StorPool Ansible Playbook

The repository contains StorPool's playbook and roles for Ansible.

Common ansible-playbook usage

# Running this playbook with ansible-playbook:
ansible-playbook /home/tools/ansible/playbook.yml [parameters]
# This playbook can be also execuded directly from the playbook's directory, like this:
/home/tools/ansible/playbook.yml [parameters]

Common ansible-playbook parameters

Parameter (Long) Parameter (Short) Parameter Description
--inventory -i specify inventory host path or comma separated host list
--limit -l further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern
--list-tags list all available tags
--tags -t only run plays and tasks tagged with these values
--skip-tags only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values
--step one-step-at-a-time: confirm each task before running
--flush-cache clear the fact cache for every host in inventory


# Copy the hosts.example file:
cp hosts.example ansible.hosts
# Edit the hosts file and configure StorPool parameters:
vi ansible.hosts
# Save the file and run the playbook:
ansible-playbook /home/tools/ansible/playbook.yml -i ansible.hosts

# Or run it directly:
/home/tools/ansible/playbook.yml -i ansible.hosts

Available Tags

Tag Description
prerequisites Set common variables for target hosts, do some common tests
setup-infra Install StorPool's dependencies on target hosts, OS related configurations and performance tuning tasks
install Download and install StorPool and the StorPool support tools
setup-network Configure and validate StorPool's network
setup-drives Initialize StorPool drives
setup-cgroups Configure cgroups as per StorPool's requirements
setup-services Enable and start StorPool systemd services
reboot-hosts Reboot target hosts
tests Aftertests
# Show list of available tags:
ansible-playbook /path/to/ansible/playbook.yml --inventory ansible.hosts --list-tags
# Run specific tags:
ansible-playbook /path/to/ansible/playbook.yml --inventory ansible.hosts --tags prerequisites 
# Skip specific tags:
ansible-playbook /path/to/ansible/playbook.yml --inventory ansible.hosts --skip-tags setup-network,setup-drives
# Run specific task on a specific server from your inventory:
ansible-playbook /path/to/ansible/playbook.yml --inventory ansible.hosts --limit example-server.1 --tags setup-network 

NOTE: We use fact caching in order to speed up the process by caching all required variables on the ansible server (inside ./facts directory) for later runs. If you have deleted the facts directory or any of the hosts facts inside it, you need to execute ansible-playbook /path/to/ansible/playbook.yml --inventory ansible.hosts --tags variables in order for you to re-gather all required variables inside the facts cache.

Roles variables

Cluster data (variables under [storpool:vars] block)

Variable Description
sp_cluster This is the top directory where Ansible configuration is saved. Usually basename $(pwd)
sp_custdir The parent directory of sp_cluster. This is dirname $(pwd)
sp_toolsdir The path on the destination hosts where StorPool files will be stored Defaults to /root/storpool
sp_release_file Full path the StorPool tar.gz archive, or web to download it from StorPool's repo Defaults to web
sp_release StorPool version to be deployed (if sp_release_file='web') Defaults to 19.01
sp_reinstall Whether to always attempt to re-install regardless if a previous version was installed or not Defaults to True
sp_new_cluster Deployment type Defaults to False
sp_multi_server_helper_enabled Redistributes the disks on multiple server instances Defaults to True
sp_config Path to storpool.conf on the ansible host Defaults to the inventory directory (Where the ansible inventory file is located)
sp_update_system Perform OS update (yum/apt update/upgrade) on target hosts Defaults to True
sp_retry_install Retry StorPool installation to handle transient network errors Defaults to False
sp_alternative_net_setup Used for an alternative networking setup tooling during internal testing Defaults to False
sp_configure_network Automatically configure network interfaces based on storpool.conf variables Defaults to False
sp_overwrite_iface_conf Overwrite existing ineterface configuration files (iface-genconf -o). Defaults to False
sp_single_iface Specifies --nettype 0 on iface_genconf Defaults to False
sp_selinux Set SELinux state (valid options are "permissive" or "disabled") Defaults to disabled
sp_disable_nm Stop and disable NetworkManager Defaults to True
sp_disable_fw Stop and disable firewalld/ufw (if False, will add ports for StorPool) Defaults to True
sp_vm Nodes are virtual machines - It will be determined automatically if not specifically set
sp_summary_wait Generate a summary and pause after variable validation Defaults to True
sp_cg_hyperconverged List of arguments to pass to storpool_cg conf
sp_cg_conf_extra List of extra arguments to pass to storpool_cg conf
sp_diskid_offset Offset to calculate diskid prefix (useful when sp_node_id >= 40)
sp_kernel_params_reboot Automatically reboot to apply required kernel parameters set by install.sh Defaults to False

For more information please check hosts.example file

Using hosts facts

# Gather all required playbook variables to cache:
ansible-playbook /path/to/ansible/playbook.yml --inventory ansible.hosts --tags prerequisites 
# Flush facts cache and gather everything again:
ansible-playbook /path/to/ansible/playbook.yml --inventory ansible.hosts --tags prerequisites --flush-cache

Work is needed for:

  • Auto-enable storpool_nvmed if nvme drives have been initialized
  • Add integration roles (onapp, openstack, cloudstack opennebula, etc)
  • Ubuntu: more testing to address specific cases