- 3
Pull/Push components does not sync the component_group_whitelist correctly since 3.33.0
#117 opened by royvou - 0
Error log prints [object Object]
#145 opened by Kzoeps - 0
- 1
CLI pull request unclear error
#143 opened by theklr - 8
Pull-components stopped working
#131 opened by AndreaPontrandolfo - 0
Migration command cannot migrate and publish stories with unpublished changes
#140 opened by FabianKoder - 1
- 0
.netrc compatibility problem
#137 opened by vxsx - 2
The returned properties of `MultilinkStoryblok` do not match generated type, and should be nullable.
#115 opened by Joobs - 1
An error occurred when executing the push-components task: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
#130 opened by diaiunese-at-halueio - 0
Datasources Sync failed: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data')
#133 opened by maxostberg - 0
Unable to run migrations
#132 opened by m0zz094 - 2
[Feature Request] Add the capability of sync a subset of stories filtering by name or slug
#51 opened by Segmentree - 0
- 1
- 3
- 1
Type generation of single-choice element wrong
#121 opened by TwoBee - 1
- 0
Storyblok CLI in CI/CD Environment
#124 opened by christophsaile - 0
- 1
The `AssetStoryblok` type is missing properties
#113 opened by ryami333 - 1
- 20
- 1
- 5
`run-migration` is broken after ESM migration
#95 opened by privetkuku - 2
`pull-components` separate files fails with folders
#105 opened by reinabo - 17
Error when running `storyblok pull-components` with valid SPACE_ID and token.
#107 opened by mllustosa - 1
- 0
Allow for language syncing between spaces
#36 opened by SebbeJohansson - 3
- 2
- 3
- 6
The generate-typescript-typedefs command throws is not a function
#94 opened by pawelgrzybek - 5
- 7
- 1
[Feature Request] add option to specify typescript-eslint rules for the generated types file
#84 opened by Youhan - 0
Update the `select` command to create field plugins with the newest SDK version
#82 opened by demetriusfeijoo - 0
- 0
- 4
- 1
- 2
Datasources sync fails
#66 opened by juliavorcakova - 2
Cannot connect to existing space after updating
#70 opened by JamesCatt - 5
storyblok sync fails in v3.25.0
#63 opened by snikidev - 3
Upgrade to js-client version 5
#45 opened by SebbeJohansson - 1
- 0
- 3
storyblok-cli ascii art
#13 opened by kristofferlindvall - 2
- 0