
dict.cc plugin for the OS X Dictionary.app (German-English)

Primary LanguagePython

Download packaged plugin here:
(Database snapshot made on 2010-02-23)


input2xml.py dict.cc to Apple Dictionary Plugin Script ($Rev: 15 $)
$Date: 2008-03-15 18:36:46 +0100 (Sa, 15 Mär 2008) $
by Philipp Brauner/Lipflip 2008, licensed under the GLP
Partially by Wolfgang Reszel
Changes in README by Sebastian Mastorovic, February 2010

  This is my first dive into Python. There is much room for improvement. :)

1. Unzip dictcc-dictionary-distrib.zip. You already did this. Hooray!

2. Download and install the OS X Developer Tools from Apple.com.
   You'll need to join the Apple Developer Connection to do this (there's a
   free membership).

3. Download dict.cc's database. You can find the database here,
   please read the licensing conditions carefully:

   Choose version "DE -> EN (Elcombri / old format, cp1252)"
   and download it. Rename dict.cc's database files to "input.txt" 
   and place it into the dictcc-dictionary-distrib directory.

4. Open a Terminal and "cd" to the dictcc-dictionary-distrib directory.

5. Launch the Makefile:
   user$ make

6. After some minutes the dictionary can be installed:
   user$ make install

   It will be placed into /Users/$username/Library/Dictionaries/ and fills
   about 300MB of disk space.

8. Start/restart Dictionary.App.

   Have fun!  Lipflip