Windows PowerShell script to automate the entire build process
Script performs ALL actions needed to compile your own server core
- Downloads and installs CMAKE, VS studio, MySQL, etc
- Clones AzerothCore repository
- Searches the catalogue and allows you to select the additional modules you want included
- Allows easy testing of pull requests
- Compiles and builds the server
- Runs all sql scripts to include sql files included with modules
- Can create personal server / repack
- Launch Powershell as admin and run the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
- copy script to your PC
- Open folder you saved the script to with File Explorer
- Right click on script and choose "edit"
- edit these lines to match the folders you want used and the password for SQL root account
- Click File > Open Windows Powershell (must choose to run as admin if you are installing dependencies, otherwise PowerShell can be launched without admin rights)
- Start script by typing the following command into powershell: .\Start-AzerothCoreAutoBuilder.ps1
A window will show up displaying your options. Simply choose the one you want to use.
To build a server
- option 1 if you have never used the script before to ensure all dependencies get installed
- option 2 to clone the AzerothCore repositories
- option 4 to choose and download any custom modules you want included
- option 5 to build the server
- option 6 to start the server if just testing OR
- option 7 to move all files to folder you chose on line 26 of the script. This ensures your own personal server is never overwritten while testing PR's
To test PR's
- option 2 to clean and update the base AzerothCore files from GitHub
- option 3 and then enter the PR number you wish to test
- option 5 to build the server and database. All pending SQL files from the PR are added to the database. No manual steps required
- option 6 to start the server and begin your testing
- once finished you can choose option 2 again to clean your base files and return to the default state so you can begin testing the next PR.