Querypal is a type-safe querying dsl built on top of Doobie and Cats-effect using Scala 3. It provides several conveniences and restrictions to the developer with the goal of helping you write complex queries while never allowing you to write an invalid one. Those include:
- Compile time type checking: Query pal makes sure you can never write a statement that will fail due to a type mismatch (eg attempting to insert an int on a varchar column, or comparing between a string and an int in a condition)
- Autocompletes: At every step of the pipeline, querypal gives you helpful autocompletes. This combined with the strongly typed nature of the entire pipeline means that you are always given options of correct next steps while being prevented from writting incorrect ones.
- Auto-joins: Quick join between two tables based on their foreign/primary keys
- Type level operations: Querypal uses type level operations to achieve some of its features.
- Object mapping: Querypal can map a case class to a correct insert query
- Semantic Error Messages: Using semantically aqurate typing, querypal attempts to always guide you when youve done something wrong
This project is a personal hobby project meant for practice and experimentation and thus is fairly barebones and lacks features that would make it a complete tool for DB interaction (eg The only types currently supported currrently are Int
and String
, some sql operations arent supported etc). This can of course change in the future :-).
the above code is compiled to the doobie fragment:
sql"select * from person where person.age > 13 or ( person.nickname like `The%` and person.age < 40 )"
- Similarities with slick: During writting this project i was unaware of exactly how Slick queries are composed, but it turns out Querypal's and Slick's approach is very similar.
Note, familiarity with Scala 3, Doobie and Cats-effect is assumed throughout this doc
Lets define a querypal model for one of our database tables
Given the table person
create table person
name varchar not null constraint person_pk primary key,
age integer not null,
nickname varchar not null
and our entity:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, nickname: String)
Note, the first member of the entity is assumed to be the primary key
We can model it as:
//Model takes the table name as a parameter
//column is a protected helped method of the Model[_] trait. It receives a type parameter expressing the intended
//type of the column and a its name on the database. Its used to correctly type the model's fields so they can be used type safely in other operations
object Person extends Model[Person]("person"):
val name = column[String]("name")
val age = column[Int]("age")
val nickname = column[String]("nickname")
We are placing this info on the companion object of the Person case class with the same name, this enables some very handy syntax when using the dsl
Then we can derive a given instance of the ModelMeta type class for our Person entity.
//ModelMeta is a type class that holds meta-information about our Model and useful operations like object mapping.
object Person extends Model[Person]:
val name = column[String]("name")
val age = column[Int]("age")
val nickname = column[String]("nickname")
object Meta:
//derive meta takes the table name as a first paremeter and a vararg of field
given ModelMeta[Person] = deriveMeta("person",name, age, nickname)
To start writting a query all we need to do is instanciate a QueryBuilder
using our Person
Then we can construct the rest of our query using sql-like syntax:
QueryBuilder(Person) select * construct
Each query must end with construct
We take advantage of scala's syntax sugars to achieve a syntax that looks very much like an sql query. If we get rid of all the syntax sugar that snippet is transformed to:
A note on infix syntax
In giant queries, scala's infix syntax tends to get unwieldy. Thus, we can use the plain method invocation syntax.
val multiJoin = QueryBuilder(Person)
.select(_.age > 13)
.or(_.age < 12)
.bind(_ and (_.nickname like "%h%"))
.select(_.name like "%Selfie%")
So what is actually happening?
Each method call defines a transformation of the query and returns the next step of the pipeline. Every step provides specific methods that allow transformations to that query. At the end we call construct to compile the query in the form of a doobie fragment that can be used to query the database, just like the fragments created with pure doobie.
val selectAll = QueryBuilder(Person) select * construct
people <- selectAll.query[Person].to[List].transact(xa)
_ <- IO.println(people)
yield ExitCode.Success
//This is equal to
val selectAll = sql"select * from person"
people <- selectAll.query[Person].to[List].transact(xa)
_ <- IO.println(people)
yield ExitCode.Success
With query pal you get direct mapping of case classes to complete insert commands.
QueryBuilder(Person) insert Person("John", 34, "The kid") construct
//it compiles to
sql"insert into person(name, age ,nickname) values ('John', 34, 'The kid')"
One of the biggest conveniences that querypal provides is helpful autocompletes. On every step you can get suggestions for your next move.
simple autocomplete example:
Where autocompletes shine the most is during composition of conditionals and complex queries.
When you need to reference your table inside your query, querypal expects a lambda, giving you your model and expecting back a condition. Then using the underscore syntax for lambdas you can reference any of your fields (while getting useful autocompletes) and construct the condition using querypals operators resulting in a functional pipeline that closely resembles an sql query.
Querypal also makes sure you cant write an invalid query, by only giving you access to the correct possible next steps
When composing a complex query, its often the case that you tried to insert, compare or set a column with a value of a different type. Querypal's typed model fields and smart operators will let you know immediately when youve made such a mistake.
Given another table named photos
create table photo
name varchar not null constraint photo_pk primary key,
photographer_name varchar not null constraint photographer__fk references person
We can see that theres a one to many relationship between person
and photo
Lets create our querypal model and derive our metadata
object Photo extends Model[Photo]:
val name = column[String]("name")
val photographer = column[String]("photographer")
object Meta:
given ModelMeta[Photo] = deriveMeta("photo",name, photographer)
Now lets define a relationship between person
and photo
//the parameter is the column to be used as the foreign key, referencing the primary key of our Person table
given Relation[Photo, Person](Photo.photographer)
As a result, we can now compose join queries and have querypal check their validity
QueryBuilder(Person) select * join Photo construct
Querypals relations are expressed on the type level. Thus, it lets you know when attempting to join two tables that dont satisfy the constraint of a relation
Every Join operation initiates a select operation for the joined model. This means you can chain an unlimited amount of joins and select from the joined entities
To demonstrate, lets create a third enity/model
case class Pet(name: String, owner: String)
object Pet extends Model[Pet]:
val name = column[String]("name")
val owner = column[Int]("owner_name")
object Meta:
given ModelMeta[Pet] = deriveMeta("pet",name, owner)
given Relation[Pet, Person](Pet.owner)
Now we can join Photo and Pet to Person while selecting from them
//after joining with photo, you are selecting from photo.
//after joining with pet, you are selecting from pet
val multiJoin = QueryBuilder(Person)
.select(_.age > 20)
.select(_.name like "A Day in the%")
.select(_.name like "G%")
The above query compiles to
sql"select * from person inner join photo on photo.photographer_name = person.name inner join pet on pet.owner_name = person.name where person.age > 20 and photo.name like '%Bob' and pet.name like 'G%' "
Note: Querypal uses inner joins exclusively
Having modeled our entities, we can easily derive table creation scripts for them and automatically set up our database stracture.
Lets create a table for our Photo model.
//we need an semigroup to compose our ConnectionIOs returned by tableGen and
//relationGen to run them as one program
given [F[_]: Apply, A: Semigroup]: Semigroup[F[A]] = Apply.semigroup[F, A]
for _ <- (tableGen[Photo] |+| relationGen[Photo, Person]).transact(xa)
yield ExitCode.Success
Firstly, tableGen[A]
creates our table, its primary key constraint and an index on that primary key. Then, relationGen[A]
adds the foreign key constraint of photographer_name
referencing the primary key of person
Given our setup, this snippet creates the following table:
create table photo
name varchar not null constraint photo_pk primary key,
photographer_name varchar not null constraint photo_photographer_name_fkey
references person
create unique index photo_name_uindex on photo (name);
Below are a few code snippets using our above set-up to demonstrate querypal's features.
basic insert:
val insertPerson = QueryBuilder(Person) insert Person("Jack", 34, "The kid") construct
res <- insertPerson.update.run.transact(xa)
_ <- IO.println(res)
yield ExitCode.Success
basic select:
val selectAll = QueryBuilder(Person) select * construct
people <- selectAll.query[Person].to[List].transact(xa)
_ <- IO.println(people)
yield ExitCode.Success
basic update:
val set = QueryBuilder(Person) update (_.age set 13) update (_.nickname set "Young Again") where (_.age > 45) construct
res <- set.update.run.transact(xa)
_ <- IO.println(res)
yield ExitCode.Success
basic delete:
val del = QueryBuilder(Person) delete (_.name === "Karen") or (_.name === "George") construct
aa <- del.update.run.transact(xa)
_ <- IO.println(aa)
yield ExitCode.Success
basic join and select:
val join = QueryBuilder(Person) join Photo select (_.age > 20) construct
aa <- join.query[(Person, Photo)].to[List].transact(xa)
_ <- IO.println(aa)
yield ExitCode.Success
complex select:
val query = QueryBuilder(Person) select (_.age > 13) or (_.nickname like "The%") bind (_ and (_.age < 40)) construct
aa <- query.query[Person].to[List].transact(xa)
_ <- IO.println(aa)
yield ExitCode.Success
complex join with intermediary selects
val multiJoin = QueryBuilder(Person)
.select(_.age > 13)
.or(_.age < 12)
.bind(_ and (_.nickname like "%"))
.select(_.name like "%Selfie%")
.select(_.name like "%%")
res <- multiJoin.query[(Person, Photo, Pet)].to[List].transact(xa)
_ <- IO.println(res)
yield ExitCode.Success