
Example jwt authentication on express

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Example manual JWT Authentication

File tree

  • auth_manual.js - contains a manual generating and checking JWT token example
  • auth_with_lib.js - contains generating JWT with jsonwebtoken library
  • test_bd.json - example json, you can remove it and execute real BD get/set
  • server.js - express server
  • .env - contain environment variables:
    • PORT
    • SECRET_KEY - used in JWT generation
  • frontend:
    • index.html - index page with login form
    • private.html - private page, you can enter here only if you are logged in
    • style.css - some styles

Before run

Please download dependencies by

yarn install

How to run

yarn dev - to develop with automatic restart yarn run - to production run

How to use

  1. Go to /
  2. Login with credentials in test_bd.json
  3. Go to /private-page and check for private-page not redirect to /
  4. Create test POST request to /private-request with
    Authorization: Bearer ${your token from cookies} and check response

All algorithms are in the comments

Danila, Stavrov