Automated scripts for installation of ffmpeg and its most popular libraries from source under Ubuntu and a detailed wiki containing a lot of hints and tricks for ffmpeg.
- abliznyukDepositphotos Inc.
- agrathwohl@Storyboard-fm
- alatteriInstinctual
- bigeastBeijing
- billzhuangEF
- cash2one
- chaozhou5
- cvanhalt
- dweiss-at
- flavioribeiro@netflix
- flykickbird
- hannesfrankDresden, Germany
- jerrygreylocalhost
- kakus5
- ke4obt
- kevintruongWii Learn
- lenardosCodefast
- LudwikO
- mfhbam
- mkrufkyNew York, NY
- p0rscheShelter coworking
- paulm17
- peterlisakSky CP Czech Republic
- pk2Łódź
- rikchilversUK
- RinGotouDaydream Interactive/百花屋
- sebma
- shouyaOpen for Hire!
- skeeetBay Area
- snobalfyteStay at home dad.
- subodh022Bangalore
- VirtuBoxVirtubox
- weimi
- x011
- xqqDanmaku Council