

Backend Coding Challenge

In the coding challenge, you will write an application called PartyWall.

Party Wall allows users to share their items (food, drinks) they want to sell at the parties. Food has its name, description and weight. The drink has its name and volume. Both drink and food have price and quantity.

Your task is to create a NodeJS API Application that fulfils the aforementioned criteria and assume the following requirements: Requirements:

As an anonymous user you can: login/register using username and password

As an authenticated user you can: see one list of items of both types: food and drinks for all users create a new item (both types) remove item

Additional notes: the application must be runnable in node.js 10+ structure your code as if it was a real, production application commit as you go along and push to your GitHub feel free to use any database, framework or library of your choice Time Estimated time to finish this task is 4 hours.

If you don’t have enough time to implement something, you may leave a comment that should indicate awareness of potential improvements. You are allowed to use any boilerplate or library that can boost the speed of scaffolding the app and/or quality of your code


  1. Clone repository
  2. Install packages



  1. Start mongod
  2. npm run offline