
A npm library to get information from nordic power market (Nord Pool, ELSPOT)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nordpool Elspot API npm client

Build Status JavaScript Style Guide

Unofficial Nordpool Elspot API npm client

Restrictions regarding data use

Before you access the Nordpool data using this module, please read and understand the Terms and conditions for use of website There may be clauses prohibiting automatic extraction of data that reduces the performance of the website, limits for republishing information etc.



import { nordpool } from 'nordpool'
const prices = new nordpool.Prices()
const run = async () => {
  const results = await prices.hourly()


  • at: get price at an exact time
  • hourly: get hourly prices
  • daily: get daily prices
  • weekly: get weekly prices
  • monthly: get monthly prices
  • yearly: get yearly prices


Options shall be included as a single object containing the some of the properties listed here

  • area: the energy market area. See nordpool map
    • Accepts: a string or an array of strings. Strings are case sensitive. Currently available areas are Bergen, DK1, DK2, FI, Kr.sand, Molde, OSLO, SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4, SYS, Tr.heim, Tromsø'. (EE, LV, LT, AT, BE, DE-LU, FR and NL are only partially supported - e.g. yearly data is not available.)
    • Optional: if not specified data from all supported areas is returned.
  • currency: choose currency of the returned values. Note that not all areas will return all currencies. EUR seams to work on all areas though.
    • Accepts: a string of either DKK, EUR, NOK or SEK. Strings are case sensitive.
    • Optional: if currency is not specified EUR or wrong EUR is returned.
  • date: must be a date parsable by new Date(x).
    • Accepts: Date object or a string parsable by new Date(x) like a string in ISO 8601 format.
    • Optional: if date is not specified todays date of your local system is used
    • Note: using plain dates (e.g., 2021-09-19) are converted to midnight in your local timezone, which may be on another day than the midnight on default (Norwegian) timezone. If you don't get the results ypu expect, try to specify an exact time and timezone (e.g,2021-09-19T00:00:00+01:00)
  • from: don't return values before/after this time.
    • Accepts: Accepts same formats as date.
    • Optional: falls back to one date based on input from date.
  • to: don't return values/after this time. There are some weird limits to this time span as stated in the known issues. You will be prompted with a warning if you pass the limit.
    • Accepts: Accepts same formats as date.
    • Optional: falls back to the max limits one date based on input from date.

Returned values

The result is returned as a Promise resolving into an array of objects. If requesting hourly with options = { area: 'Oslo', currency: 'NOK', from: '2020-01-01T04:00:00.000Z', to: '2020-01-01T05:00:01.000Z' } the result should be (comments added):

    area: 'Oslo', // Area
    date: '2020-01-01T04:00:00.000Z', // UTC timestamp of price. Eg. price from 04:00 to 05:00 UTC time
    value: 298.57 // Price in selected currency/MWh Eg. NOK/MWh
{ area: 'Oslo', date: '2020-01-01T05:00:00.000Z', value: 297.58 }


npm install nordpool


Example 1: Latest hourly prices from all areas

import { nordpool } from 'nordpool'
const prices = new nordpool.Prices()

prices.hourly().then(results => {
  for (const item of results) {
    const row = item.date + ': ' + item.value + ' €/kWh in ' + item.area

Example 2: Hourly prices in Stockholm

import {nordpool} from 'nordpool'
const prices = new nordpool.Prices()
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import dayjsPluginUtc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc.js'
import dayjsPluginTimezone from 'dayjs/plugin/timezone.js'
dayjs.extend(dayjsPluginUtc) // Used by timezone
dayjs.extend(dayjsPluginTimezone) // Used to convert from one timezone to another

const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('se-SE', {style: 'currency', currency: 'SEK'})
const opts = {
  area: 'SE3', // See http://www.nordpoolspot.com/maps/
  currency: 'SEK' // can also be 'DKK', 'EUR', 'NOK'

const run = async () => {
  let results
  try {
    results = await prices.hourly(opts)
  } catch (error) {
  for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
    const date = results[i].date
    const price = results[i].value
    const time = dayjs.tz(date, 'UTC').tz('Europe/Stockholm').format('D.M. H:mm')
    console.log(time + '\t' + formatter.format(price) + '/MWh')

Example 3: Consumer prices in Finland (in cent/kWh and local time)

Coverting "business prices" (€/MWh) to "consumer prices" (including VAT)

import {nordpool} from 'nordpool'

const prices = new nordpool.Prices()

const printHourlyConsumerPrices = async () => {
  const results = await prices.hourly({area:'FI'})
  for (const item of results) {
    // item.date is an ISO Date-Time
    // (see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/11.0/#sec-date-time-string-format)
    // use Date object to format
    const date = new Date(item.date) // automatically in your local timezone
    const hour = date.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0').concat(':00')

    // item.value is the enrgy price in EUR/MWh
    // convert it to snt/kWh and add Finnish VAT of 24 %
    const price = Math.round(item.value * 1.24 * 100)/1000

    var row = `${hour}\t${price.toFixed(3)} snt/kWh`

Example 4: Weekly prices in Bergen in 2020

Parsing dates with moment and formatting prices with Intl.NumberFormat

import {nordpool} from 'nordpool'
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import dayjsPluginWeekOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear.js'

const opts = {
  currency: 'NOK',
  area: 'Bergen',
  from: '2019-06-01'

const getWeekly = async () => {
  const prices = await new nordpool.Prices().weekly(opts)
  for (const week of prices.reverse()) {
    const weeklyPriceMessage = 'The MWh price on week ' + 
      dayjs(week.date).week() + '/' + dayjs(week.date).format('YYYY') +
      ' was ' + priceFormat.format(week.value)

const priceFormat = new Intl.NumberFormat('no-NO', {
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'NOK',
  minimumFractionDigits: 2

See examples folder for more examples.

Check possible values for area (regions) from nordpoolspot.com

Data availability

Historical data seems to be available for two previous years.

Known issues

  • Versions prior to 2.0 were full of flaws. Don't use them.
  • The Nordpool API returns data in Norwegian time zones. The hourly API returns data from midnight to midnight in the Europe/Oslo timezone.
  • Historical data is limited to two calendar years in addition to the current year.
  • The API limits are a bit strange. The maximum number of weeks is 24 and the maximum number of months is 53.


  • Add support for other API functions (volume, capacity, flow).
  • Make configuration more dynamic so that e.g. the yearly prices would work in all areas.