
A docker-compose setup to run MemGPT in a predefined container environment

Primary LanguageShell


This Docker environment provides us with MemGPT and a persistent Postgres database.

Helpful Links


  1. Install Docker Desktop (version 18.0 or higher)


  1. Create the .env file and set the values: cp .env.dist .env
  2. Run the start script: ./start.sh setup


Run ./start.sh setup again to rebuild the Docker containers. Data in your DB and



To start the MemGPT app, use ./start.sh

The [Docker] environment starts, where you can start the memgpt app.

See next section for a list of common MemGPT commands.


# Inside the [Docker] environment:

# In your host terminal:

MemGPT commands

# Set default config for MemGPT
memgpt configure

# Start MemGPT using the defined defaults
memgpt run

# List resources 
memgpt list [agents|humans|personas|sources]

Using Archival Memory

ℹ️️ Archival Memory takes a snapshot of the attached data sources. Any changes made to those sources after attaching them is not seen by the MemGPT agents

MemGPT can access local files and use their contents to build answers during conversations. Two steps are required to provide data to a MemGPT agent:

  1. Load the file/source into the general archival storage
  2. Attach a source to a specific agent

Tip: Tell the agent pro-actively to “search your archival storage” for certain information to ensure it’s actually used

# Step 1: Load data into the archival memory

memgpt load directory --name <dataset-name> --input-files <file-paths>
memgpt load directory --name <dataset-name> --input-dir <dir-path> --recursive true

memgpt load webpage --name <dataset-name> --urls <url-list>

memgpt load database --name <dataset-name> --query "SQL QUERY" --scheme <scheme> --host <host> --port <port> --dbname <database> --user <user> --password <password>

# List sources:

memgpt list sources

# Step 2: Attach archival memory to an agent

# A) Via the CLI before starting the chat:
memgpt attach --agent <agent-name> --data-source <dataset-name>

# B) Using a slash command during chat:


MemGPT data

Most config details (like archival memory sources, humans, personas) are available in the folder ./config

When you make changes to this folder, they are reflected to the Docker environment in real time. However, you need to restart (memgpt run) for the changes to take effect.

Database Access

Connection Details

Connect to the DB using the POSTGRES_* details you set in .env:

Setting Value Source Default
Host localhost hardcoded
User POSTGRES_USER .env "user"
Password POSTGRES_PASSWORD .env "password"


I recommend connecting to the Postgres DB using the pgAdmin client.

  1. "Add New Server" (or main menu "Object > Create > Server")
  2. Server details, when using the default .env config:
    • (General) Name: Docker: MemGPT
    • (Connection) Host name: localhost
    • (Connection) Port: 5432 (POSTGRES_HOST_PORT from .env)
    • (Connection) Username: user (POSTGRES_USER from .env)
    • (Connection) Password: password (POSTGRES_PASSWORD from .env)
    • (Connection) Save password? Yes

Further notes

LLM Model


Start with the free Mixtral model:

  • LLM Provider: local (confusing, I know)
  • LLM backend: vllm
  • Default endpoint: https://api.memgpt.ai (yes, this is not local after all)
  • Default model: ehartford/dolphin-2.5-mixtral-8x7b
  • Model wrapper: chatml
  • Model context window: 32768


GPT4 is more powerful (but also more expensive). To use GPT4, go with the following settings:

  1. First, enter your OpenAI API key in .env
  2. Configure MemGPT with the following details
  • LLM Provider: openai
  • Default endpoint: https://api.openai.com/v1
  • Default model: gpt-4|gpt-4-32k|gpt-4-vision-preview
  • Model context window: 32768

Other models

Using the lcoal provider, you can define any LLM model that supports function calls.

It's perfectly fine to switch between different LLM models even after starting your first chats. Choosing a different model affects the future conversation, regardless on which LLM was used to start the conversation.

Note: Once you create a new agent (start a new conversation), all config details are copied to that agent; changing the default config has no impact on that existing agent. However, you can manually edit the agent details, by editing the relevant details in ./config/agents

Embedding model choice

Embedding plays a role in indexing archival memory.

Choosing the right embedding model depends on the content that should be included in the archival memory.

Attention: Changing the embedding model after creating your first embeddings will invalidate existing embeddings, and possibly also break the DB structure. If you want to switch to a different embedding model, the best solution is to start over with a fresh DB and recreate all embeddings.

Text Only

When the archival memory contains text documents (e.g. contracts, correspondence, manuals, blog articles) then the choice is between

  • Hugging-Face BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5
  • OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002

Text And Code

When also code files should be embedded, in addition to text documents, then the choice is clear:

  • OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 - this model has a more balanced understanding of diverse content (like NLP and Code) compared to the NLP only models by Hugging Face

OpenAI Model

When using the OpenAI model, remember to enter your API key in .env