Typing Mind UI extension


# Set up the dev environment
npm install

Start local development

The local webserver is ideal for development, as changes can be tested without uploading or committing anything. However, the TypingMind app cannot access the localhost without a proxy (below)

The start command starts a file watcher and serves the latest compiled assets of the project:

# Start local webserver
npm run start

The locally served script is available at localhost:9000/dev-main.js

Proxy for TypingMind

I suggest using cloudflared for this

  • URL: https://one.dash.cloudflare.com
  • Install the cloudflared service on your development machine
  • Create a new tunnel to your machine
  • Expose the webpack dev server using a public hostname

When the tunnel is working, add the dev-main.js script as a Typing Mind extension.

  • Tunnel: https://your-tunnel.domain.tldhttp://localhost:9000
  • Extension URL: https://your-tunnel.domain.tld/dev-main.js

Why is there a "dev-main.js"?

Both, Typing Mind and Cloudflare implement a cache that can cause extensions to be out of date. For development, we need to disable caching, which is the only thing that dev-main.js is doing.

Prepare for production

npm run build

Commit all changes - especially the dist folder - to the git repo and push it to GitHub.

Make sure that the GitHub repo is used for a GitHub page; set up a new page if needed.

Add the extension to your Typing Mind account: https://<USER>.github.io/<REPO>/main.js?v=<YYYY-MM-DD>