
Install Golang - ASAP

Primary LanguageShell

Install Golang - ASAP

Install the latest go tools and start working.

Tested with

  • Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
  • Debian 10 (buster) LTS [i386]


. ./install.sh will download the latest go tools and set the enviroments vars. . ./install-i386.sh will do the above in 32-bit Linux distros.


Change the installation folder

  • The install process will set $GOROOT and the $GOPATH in the ~/.zshrc AND ~/.bashrc files; after install, if you wanna change the installation folder to other place, remove these lines from theses files:
# [start] Golang settings, remove after change the installation folder.
export GOROOT=...
export GOPATH=...
# [end]


Call . ./install.sh script again, or . ./install-i386.sh if you're on a 32-bit OS.

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