Jailed iOS app that can install IPAs permanently with arbitary entitlements and root helpers because it trolls Apple
- AlexDWN
- alphavvv
- budmonster02VAULT412
- Chin-Me
- CrossDarkrixJapan
- eduardorandom
- Ender-WangTechnical University of Munich
- gkerr23
- Hope899
- huangyebiaokeUniTech
- ikeaho
- ikyih
- jiangshencs
- Jonathan0827Daejeon Wonsinheung Middle School
- justerwang
- jzx0001
- kuustudio
- liangzad
- limsyte
- MattBryanB
- michaelfyc
- mokhgi
- nbboydky
- nigiriemoji
- Nm12-GHすごいとこ
- owlwangACRCloud
- pptimeuser
- rusanchez79
- SayaTheShoggoth
- shamine
- srt180Jiaxing, China
- superpsykokwak
- UptonEdward
- yodaluca23Texas, United States
- zc214437515
- ZuesTao