parse-server-s3-adapter Build Status

parse-server adapter for AWS S3


npm install --save parse-server-s3-adapter

aws credentials

Although it is not recommended, AWS credentials can be explicitly configured through an options object, constructor string arguments or environment variables (see below). This option is provided for backward compatibility.

The preferred method is to use the default AWS credentials pattern. If no AWS credentials are explicitly configured, the AWS SDK will look for credentials in the standard locations used by all AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI. More info can be found in the docs. For more information on AWS best practices, see IAM Best Practices User Guide.

usage with parse-server

using a config file

  "appId": 'my_app_id',
  "masterKey": 'my_master_key',
  // other options
  "filesAdapter": {
    "module": "parse-server-s3-adapter",
    "options": {
      "bucket": "my_bucket",
      // optional:
      "accessKey": "accessKey",
      "secretKey": "secretKey",
      "region": 'us-east-1', // default value
      "bucketPrefix": '', // default value
      "directAccess": false, // default value
      "baseUrl": null, // default value
      "baseUrlDirect": false, // default value
      "signatureVersion": 'v4', // default value
      "globalCacheControl": null // default value. Or 'public, max-age=86400' for 24 hrs Cache-Control

using environment variables

Set your environment variables:


the following optional configurations can be set by environment variables too:


And update your config / options

  "appId": 'my_app_id',
  "masterKey": 'my_master_key',
  // other options
  "filesAdapter": "parse-server-s3-adapter"

passing as an instance

var S3Adapter = require('parse-server-s3-adapter');

var s3Adapter = new S3Adapter('accessKey',
                  'secretKey', bucket, {
                    region: 'us-east-1'
                    bucketPrefix: '',
                    directAccess: false,
                    baseUrl: '',
                    signatureVersion: 'v4',
                    globalCacheControl: 'public, max-age=86400'  // 24 hrs Cache-Control.

var api = new ParseServer({
	appId: 'my_app',
	masterKey: 'master_key',
	filesAdapter: s3adapter

Note: there are a few ways you can pass arguments:

S3Adapter("bucket", options)
S3Adapter("key", "secret", "bucket")
S3Adapter("key", "secret", "bucket", options)
S3Adapter(options) // where options must contain bucket.

or with an options hash

var S3Adapter = require('parse-server-s3-adapter');

var s3Options = {
  "bucket": "my_bucket",
  // optional:
  "accessKey": null, // default value
  "secretKey": null, // default value
  "region": 'us-east-1', // default value
  "bucketPrefix": '', // default value
  "directAccess": false, // default value
  "baseUrl": null // default value
  "signatureVersion": 'v4', // default value
  "globalCacheControl": null // default value. Or 'public, max-age=86400' for 24 hrs Cache-Control

var s3Adapter = new S3Adapter(s3Options);

var api = new ParseServer({
  appId: 'my_app',
  masterKey: 'master_key',
  filesAdapter: s3Adapter