
Example code for RailsConf 2013 presentation

Primary LanguageRuby

Monitoring Sensu and BatsD

This will get you set up with Sensu (including the Admin), BatsD, and a sample Rails app instrumenting business metrics.

Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yPASvOdFbFmU6bcwsIEYjN0Yub04ZsUrE-UyHPd72QM/edit?usp=sharing




Test App

  • /testapp - This is a basic Rails app that demonstrates instrumentation of your code


All of these commands should be run from the root directory of this project.

1. Install Redis on localhost:6379

sudo apt-get install redis-server

2. Install RabbitMQ on localhost:5672 with guest/guest auth

sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

3. Install gems for BatsD, Sensu, Sensu Admin, your Rails app, and this project

gem install bundler
bundle install --gemfile=sensu/Gemfile
bundle install --gemfile=vendor/sensu-admin/Gemfile
bundle install --gemfile=batsd-dashboard/Gemfile
bundle install --gemfile=vendor/batsd/Gemfile
bundle install --gemfile=testapp/Gemfile
bundle install

4. Set up Sensu Admin app:

BUNDLE_GEMFILE=vendor/sensu-admin/Gemfile bundle exec rake db:create --rakefile vendor/sensu-admin/Rakefile
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=vendor/sensu-admin/Gemfile bundle exec rake db:migrate --rakefile vendor/sensu-admin/Rakefile
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=vendor/sensu-admin/Gemfile bundle exec rake db:seed --rakefile vendor/sensu-admin/Rakefile

5. Set up Test Rails App:

BUNDLE_GEMFILE=testapp/Gemfile bundle exec rake db:create --rakefile testapp/Rakefile
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=testapp/Gemfile bundle exec rake db:migrate --rakefile testapp/Rakefile

6. Fill in auth details for PagerDuty

See sensu/config.d/handlers/pagerduty.json

7. Fire everything up!

bundle exec foreman start

You'll need to wait a minute or two before checks start firing off and a few more minutes until data starts showing up in BatsD.


Once everything is up and running here are a few notes...

Sensu Admin

Open the admin website at http://localhost:4568. Use admin@example.com / secret as the e-mail / password.

Test App

To simulate ad view business metric: http://localhost:3000/ads/1

To simulate conversion business metric: Click "Create conversion" at http://localhost:3000/ads/1

To simulate counts for different response codes, just generate a 404 by going to an invalid URL or generate a 200 by going to a valid URL like http://localhost:3000/ads/1

BatsD Dashboard

Open the dashboard at http://localhost:8128. Note that this is a very raw dashboard.