
Hedera Mininet experiment

Primary LanguagePython

Hedera Mininet Experiment


Run test.sh 5 60 for full automated reproduction of our results. This runs each experiment 5 times and will take around 26 hours.

For a smaller test suite, try using test.sh 1 30, which should complete in 3 hours.


  1. Launch a new instance in the US West (Oregon) region on EC2, with cs244-mininet-mptcp-dctcp. A c1.medium instance should be sufficient for replicating our results.

  2. When the instance is up, sudo edit the default configuration in /boot/grub/menu.lst. Change line 14 from default 2 to default 0.

  3. sudo reboot

  4. After the instance is up, run ``sudo apt-get install -y linux-headers-`uname -r```

sudo dkms install openvswitch/1.4.0

sudo service openvswitch-switch restart

  1. Check out the code repository git clone https://github.com/strategist333/hedera.git

cd hedera

  1. Run the test script. Our full results can be replicated using test.sh 5 60, but for brevity we recommend test.sh 1 30. Even so, we recommend using screen to prevent accidental network drops from terminating the experiment early. screen

sudo ./test.sh 5 60