RSCaMa: Remote Sensing Image Change Captioning with State Space Model

RSCaMa: Remote Sensing Image Change Captioning with State Space Model



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This repository contains the PyTorch implementation of "RSCaMa: Remote Sensing Image Change Captioning with State Space Model".

Composition of CaMa layers

  • Spatial Difference-guided SSM (SD-SSM). To improve the model's perception of changes, we multiply the bi-temporal differencing features and the output of bidirectional SSMs to guide the model.

  • Temporal Traveling SSM (TT-SSM). TT-SSM promotes bitemporal interactions in a token-wise cross-scanning manner.


  • We introduce SSM into the RSICC, a multi-modal task, and propose RCaMa for efficient spatial-temporal modelling, providing a benchmark for Mamba-based RSICC.

  • We propose the CaMa layer consisting of SD-SSM and TT-SSM. SD-SSM uses differential features to enhance change perception, while TT-SSM promotes bitemporal interactions in a token-wise cross-scanning manner.

  • The experiment shows the RSCaMa's SOTA performance and the potential of Mamba in the RSICC task. Besides, we systematically evaluate different language decoding schemes, providing valuable insight for future research.



      title={RSCaMa: Remote Sensing Image Change Captioning with State Space Model}, 
      author={Chenyang Liu and Keyan Chen and Bowen Chen and Haotian Zhang and Zhengxia Zou and Zhenwei Shi},