
quiz time

Primary LanguageJavaScript



As an Assessor

  • create tests from 24 different categories and set other parameters( Time duration , Test Expiry and Number of Questions(<50) )
  • take tests.
  • view tests created by me and results of those tests.

As an Examine

  • take tests after providing my information.
  • take each test only once.
  • not be able to take tests after its expiry.
  • auto-submit when the time expiries.

As a secure app

  • No one should have access to test information or test results without authentication.
  • Test questions keeps changing to avoiding cheating.



The front-end is developed using HTML5 , CSS3 and React (a modern javascript-framework).


The backend is developed in Nodejs (a javascript runtime envionment), ExpressJS (a minimalistic web framework) and MongoDB (as a database).
Mongoose(Object-Document-Mapper) is used to help writing queries for CRUD operations in JS as an alternative to NoSQL.

Connecting Front-End with Back-End:

Axios a promise based http library is used to connect the front-end and the backend.