
Run tests in a centos docker container

Primary LanguageDockerfile



  • Build the docker image: ./build-image.sh
  • Export $BITCOIN_REPO in your shell and point them to the bitcoin core repository locally.
  • Run the docker container: ./run-container.sh. You can now build and run in ubuntu. In that container, you'll find bitcoin core in /bitcoin.

Other useful commands


Configure to run an optimized fuzzer build

CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./configure --enable-fuzz --with-sanitizers=address,fuzzer,undefined

Run optimized fuzzer

FUZZ=<fuzz_test_name> src/test/fuzz/fuzz /qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus/<fuzz_test_name>

Configure to run an unoptimized fuzzer build with debug symbols

CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./configure CXXFLAGS="-O0 -g" CFLAGS="-O0 -g" --enable-fuzz --with-sanitizers=ad dress,fuzzer,undefined

Run debug fuzzer with lldb

FUZZ=<fuzz_test_name> lldb src/test/fuzz/fuzz lldb> run /qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus/<fuzz_test_name>

lldb breakpoint and counting

You can set a breakpoint in lldb using br set -f <file> -l <line> -i <ignore_count> You can see how often that breakpoint is hit using br l

NOTE: you only need to use the file name like p2p_transport_serialization.cpp and NOT the fully qualified relative file name like src/text/fuzz/p2p_transport-serialization.cpp

To build

Since ./run_container.sh allocated 3 CPUs, make -j 3 seems to work well.