
My first course project utilizing React.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Expense Tracker

This project is provided by Maximilian Schwarzmüller as part of his 48.5 lecture hour course on React.js.

This project's completion will demonstrate some of what I have learned through the course and will provide a base structure as I develop my own applications.

Thank you for checking out what I am working on. Cheers!

-20 Apr 2022-

Added a chart mapped to our monthly expenses by mapping data points and we implement som dynamic css styling though the css elements are not yet scoped. This concludes the example application.

-17 Apr 2022-

Filter is now functional and expenses are being loaded dynamically and can take new expenses. Discussed conditional content and reviewed potential solutions. Implemented displaying input fields when button pressed and returning to the default state if cancel button is pressed.

-14 Apr 2022-

Completed section by adding a filter component(presentational only at the moment) Discussing lifting state and controllers in React and then testing our knowledge with mini quiz.

-13 Apr 2022-

After adding input fields we then set up our listeners and implemented two-way binding in order to reset the form. Afterwards we discussed component communication focused on child to parent nodes aka bottom up.

-12 Apr 2022-

Today's lectures covered event handlers, execution order of component functions, working with State and the state hook, and we started adding a form for the user to create a new entry into the expense tracker.

-11 Apr 2022-

Creation of more components related to expenses and management of more project files. Lectures also focused on passing data between components through the use of props. Also more focus on JSX and how it works.

-10 Apr 2022-

Creation of ExpenseItem component and discussion on separating out components to keep project manageable and easy to disect.

-29 Mar 2022-

Completed orientation lectures and have begun the basics of creating a new project and the basics of creating components with react.

Really looking forward to coupling what I learn here with what I have been learning in my html and css course.

So it begins!