
Course Project: Fully responsive website for a course on HTML 5 and CSS. Hosted on Heroku.

Primary LanguageHTML


Thank you for checking out this project. It was put together by Jonas Schmedtmann (https://codingheroes.io/) as part of his course on html 5 and css 3 and is the final project for the course. content.md, and images provided by Jonas.

The idea was to put together a site for a fictional company using what we learned in the 37.5 lecture hour course. I am looking forward to using what I learned here in order to build my own full stack project for my portfolio.

This README will serve as a dev journal for the time being. Cheers!

-7 April 2022-

Wrapped up the course project today after programming the navigation and running a few tests and discussing optimization.

Has been a really fun project and I can't wait to use what was learned in the process on my next project.

The project is now currently hosted at: https://chimerical-halva-1dd950.netlify.app/

Thank you for checking it out! ^_^...

-6 April 2022-

Finished responsiveness for phones and other small screens. Now it is on to just a bit of programming and deployment.

Course is now 90% complete!

-5 April 2022-

Began work on responsive design starting with tablets and writing media queries. Pretty straightforward but still interesting and fun.

-4 April 2022-

Completed sections for our form and the footer witch brings a conclusion to the desktop version of our design. Now to fine tune it to be fully responsive and get this chapter buttoned up!

-30 Mar 2022-

Sections completed for "testimonials", a gallery grid, "pricing" and "features". Getting to the point where I can anticipate what needs to be done to accomplish desired out come. Starting to feel like it's come a long ways from the start.

-29 Mar 2022-

Completed "featured in" and "meal example" sections. Learning lots and enjoying animating in css3. Calls to some of my past experience and education in art, graphic design, animation, and is a lot of fun to work with.

-28 Mar 2022-

Fair bit of progress over last couple of days. "Hero" and "How It Works" sections complete. Fun seeing it come together.

-23 Mar 2022-

Began the project by mapping out starter files and looking over the notes and materials provided by the client. Really excited for this project, here we go!