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Intergalactic Airlines Website

This repository contains the source code for the website of the Star Citizen player organization Intergalactic Airlines. The pages are served by node.js code using the Express framework, templates are rendered by handlebars. The site is hosted in serverless fashion on Firebase Functions, storage and authentication are handled by various other Firebase services.

Running Locally

  1. Install node.js.
  2. Install the Firebase CLI: npm install -g firebase-tools
  3. In the functions directory, run npm install.
  4. Login to Firebase: firebase login
  5. Make sure you have access to the "igair-organizationhub" Google Cloud project, or run firebase commands using --project <your-project-id> with the name of your own personal GCP/Firebase project for testing.
  6. From the same directory (or root), run firebase serve to run the project locally.
  7. Browse to localhost:5000.