
This is the caffe reimplementation of "Coarse-to-Fine Volumetric Prediction for Single-Image 3D Human Pose".

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This is the caffe reimplementation of Coarse-to-Fine Volumetric Prediction for Single-Image 3D Human Pose

You can find screenshots of eval on test set in figs/ (d2 = 16, 32, 64). (Random or full test)

External links (closely related projects)


I1 with group normalization, batch size = 1

News under the headline

  • Reaches 67.1 mm MPJPE on entire test set!


  • I write C++ faster than Python.
  • I write faster C++ than Python.
  • I know C++ / Caffe is not easy to understand.
  • People don't like Netscape Browser or iPhone 4s any more. hmmmmmm.
  • People tend to use Hourglass for human pose while powerful ResNet is enough. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Your briefing

2-stage Hourglass (d1 = 1, d2 = 16/32/64) w/ batch size = 3 🌝 🌚 😈

Exquisite ResNet w/ integral coming up soon. 💪

Caffe Hourglass is imported from GNet-pose. Many thanks!

About comprehensive readme:

  • code.pdf provides details about custom layers.

  • data.pdf provides details about data format etc.

  • prototxt.pdf provides training/testing pipeline about the configuration prototxt file.


  • Ubuntu / Windows

For Ubuntu, I used two 12 GB TITAN Xp. For Windows, \emph{TO DO}

  • SSD

You'll need SSD for online data loading.

General Structure

+-- caffe_code
+-- data
+-- figs
+-- models
+-- training
+-- testing
+-- README.md


  1. install Caffe from GNet Caffe repository.
  2. I have developed a myriad of layers. Code structure is
|-- caffe_code
`-- |-- include
    `-- |-- caffe
        |   |-- deep_human_model_layers.hpp
        |   |   | ### This includes operations about 2d/3d heatmap /integral / augmentation / local <-> global transformation etc.
        |   |-- h36m.h
        |   |   | ### This includes definitions of joint / part / bone (h36m 32 joints / usable 16 joints / c2f 17 joints etc.)
        |   |-- operations.hpp 
        |   |   | ### This includes operations w.r.t scalar / vector / fetch file / output data.
`-- |-- src
    `-- |-- caffe
        |   |-- layers
        |   |   |-- DeepHumanModel
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_argmax_2d_hm_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### This takes argmax operation on 2d heatmap 
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_convert_2d_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### h36m provides full 32 joints, of which we only care 16 joints. Conversion from 16x2 <-> 32x2
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_convert_3d_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Conversion from 16x3 <-> 32x3
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_convert_depth_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Conversion from root-relative camera coordinate <-> [-1, 1] normalized depth
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_gen_3d_heatmap_in_more_detail_v3_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Generate groud truth for 3d heatmap. Closely follows c2f Torch code.
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_h36m_cha_gen_joint_fr_xyz_heatmap_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Argmax operation on 3d heatmap
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_h36m_gen_aug_3d_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Generate augmented 3d ground truth according to augmented 2d gt and 3d gt
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_h36m_gen_pred_mono_3d_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### 2.5D -> 3D camera frame coordinate
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_integral_vector_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### \sum_{i=0}^{D-1} probability * position
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_integral_x_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Integral along X axis
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_integral_y_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Integral along Y axis
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_integral_z_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Integral along Z axis
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_norm_3d_hm_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Normalize 3D heatmap responses to make them sum up to 1.0
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_normalization_response_v0_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### 2D heatmap normalization
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_numerical_coordinate_regression_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Integral over normalized 2D heatmap -> (x, y)
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_output_heatmap_sep_channel_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Output heatmap of different joints to different folders
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_output_joint_on_skeleton_map_h36m_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Plot predicted joints on raw image
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_softmax_3d_hm_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Softmax normalization on 3d heatmap
        |   |   |   |-- deep_human_model_softmax_hm_layer.cpp 
        |   |   |   |-- ### Softmax normalization on 2d heatmap
        |   |   |-- Operations
        |   |   |   |-- adaptive_weight_euc_loss_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Adaptive weight controlling on different euclidean regression loss
        |   |   |   |-- add_vector_by_constant_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Add each element of vector by a scalar 
        |   |   |   |-- add_vector_by_single_vector_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Add two vectors element-wisely
        |   |   |   |-- add_vector_by_constant_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Add each element of vector by a scalar 
        |   |   |   |-- cross_validation_random_choose_index_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Select an index from different training split sources
        |   |   |   |-- gen_heatmap_all_channels_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Generate 2d heatmap ground truth. Closely follows Yichen Wei simple baseline & CPM caffe CPMDataLayer
        |   |   |   |-- gen_rand_index_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Randomly generate a index for training/testing
        |   |   |   |-- gen_sequential_index_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Sequentially generate index for testing
        |   |   |   |-- gen_unified_data_and_label_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Generate augmentend training data and label (2D). Adapated from CPMDataLayer  
        |   |   |   |-- joint_3d_square_root_loss_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Display average joint error MPJPE (mm)
        |   |   |   |-- js_regularization_loss_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Jenson-Shannon regularization loss
        |   |   |   |-- mul_rgb_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Scale rgb image by a scalar
        |   |   |   |-- output_blob_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Output blob to files for debugging 
        |   |   |   |-- output_heatmap_one_channel_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Output heatmap of one specific joint to file
        |   |   |   |-- read_blob_from_file_indexing_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Read data from disk w/ file index (id)
        |   |   |   |-- read_blob_from_file_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Read blob from a specific file
        |   |   |   |-- read_image_from_file_name_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Read image from file path
        |   |   |   |-- read_image_from_image_path_file_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Read image from a single file describing path for all images in the set
        |   |   |   |-- read_image_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### See code
        |   |   |   |-- read_index_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Read image index from file
        |   |   |   |-- scale_vector_layer.cpp
        |   |   |   |-- ### Multiply vector by a constant scalar
  1. Copy ${POSE_ROOT}/caffe_code/include/caffe/* to ${CAFFE_ROOT}/include/caffe/

  2. Copy ${POSE_ROOT}/caffe_code/src/caffe/layers/* to ${CAFFE_ROOT}/src/caffe/layers/ after running the following

cd ${CAFFE_ROOT}src/caffe/layers
mkdir DeepHumanModel
mkdir Operations
  1. Configure caffe.proto

    • Add contents in LayerParameter of ${POSE_ROOT}/caffe_code/src/caffe/proto/custom_layers_mine.proto to ${CAFFE_ROOT}/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto

    • Replace TransformationParameter in ${CAFFE_ROOT}/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto with the one in mine ${POSE_ROOT}/caffe_code/src/caffe/proto/custom_layers_mine.proto

    • Add other layer parameter fields in ${POSE_ROOT}/caffe_code/src/caffe/proto/custom_layers_mine.proto to ${CAFFE_ROOT}/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto

    • Make sure ID of LayerParameter do not conflict with each other.

  2. Compile

    sudo make all -j128

    Note 1: For ubuntu, you will have to modify header section of gen_unified_data_and_label_layer.cpp like this

    #ifdef USE_OPENCV
    #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
    //#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
    //#include <opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
    #endif  // USE_OPENCV

    Note 2: For windows, you will have to modify header section of gen_unified_data_and_label_layer.cpp like this

    #ifdef USE_OPENCV
    #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
    #endif  // USE_OPENCV

Still can't compile? Contact me.


  • One thing I have realized over the years is that HDF5, LMDB, JSON, tar.gz, pth.tar or whatever is totally redundant, and suffers from a major downside: it needs to be loaded into memory. For python-based framework e.g. Keras, it is time consuming (sometimes 30 seconds ++) to load offline data. Even for caffe, it takes several seconds. I have thus far switched to a simple and naive data format i.e. txt. Each txt represents an annotation for a sample e.g. ground truth 3d, bbx. SSD is required.

  • See data.pdf for a thorough discussion and joint definition. (full 32 joints vs usable 16 joints)

Folder Name Download Link Description A Toy Example
bbx_all_new bbx (bbx_x1, bbx_y1, bbx_x2, bbx_y2) bbx
center_x center_x center_x (constant: 112.0) center_x
center_y center_y center_y (constant: 112.0) center_y
scale scale person image scale (constant: 224.0) scale
gt_joint_2d_raw_new gt_2d 2d gt on 224x224 cropped image (32x2) gt_2d
image_path_file image path for each sample img_path_file
gt_joint_3d_mono_raw gt_3d monocular 3d gt in camera coordiante (32x3) gt_3d
camera_all camera intrinsic & extrinsic camera parameters camera
index_range ind_range index range per (subject, action) ind_range
info_all basic_info video/action name/subaction/camera id/frame id basic_info
images img all the cropped images (224x224) img

Download data, place to

 `-- data
     `-- full
         |   |-- bbx_all_new
         |   |-- center_x
         |   |-- center_y
         |   |-- scale
         |   |-- gt_joint_2d_raw_new
         |   |-- gt_joint_3d_mono_raw
         |   |-- image_path_file
         |   |-- camera_all
         |   |-- index_range
         |   |-- info_all
         |   |-- images

Train Index:

0 - 1559571

Test Index:

1559572 - 2108570

Trained models

Method d2 MPJPE(mm) Caffe Model Solver State
Mine 64 67.1 Google Drive (net_iter_720929.caffemodel) Google Drive (net_iter_720929.solverstate)
Mine 32 68.6 Google Drive (net_iter_640000.caffemodel) Google Drive (net_iter_640000.solverstate)
Mine 16 73.6 Google Drive (net_iter_560000.caffemodel) Google Drive (net_iter_560000.solverstate)
C2F 64 69.8 None None
Integral 64 68.0 None None

C2F and Integral are Included for reference.

Download models, place to

 `-- models
     |   |-- net_iter_560000.caffemodel 
     |   |-- net_iter_560000.solverstate
     |   |-- net_iter_640000.caffemodel 
     |   |-- net_iter_640000.solverstate 
     |   |-- net_iter_720929.caffemodel 
     |   |-- net_iter_720929.solverstate

Kick off the testing

As you know, evaluation on the entire dataset takes time. For testing on a random subset, I implemented a random index generation layer. See screenshot "figs/test_d64_rand.png", "figs/test_d32_rand.png", "figs/test_d16_rand.png" for details.

I should claim that this is just for fun, please do not not take it seriously. You might get, say, 68.2 mm and 68.4 mm in two different runs.

  • d2 = 64

    cd testing
    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe test -model test_d64_rand.prototxt -weights models/net_iter_720929.caffemodel -iterations 500

    This will give you figs/rand_test_d64.png (unstable number around 68 mm due to small number of samples)

  • d2 = 32

    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe test -model test_d32_rand.prototxt -weights models/net_iter_640000.caffemodel -iterations 500

    This will give you figs/rand_test_d32.png (unstable number around 71 mm)

  • d2 = 16

    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe test -model test_d16_rand.prototxt -weights models/net_iter_560000.caffemodel -iterations 500

    This will give you figs/rand_test_d16.png (unstable number around 74 mm)

Full testing

For full evaluation on H36M test set

  • d2 = 64

    cd testing
    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe test -model test_d16_statsfalse.prototxt -weights models/net_iter_720929.caffemodel -iterations 183000

    This will give you 67.1 mm (figs/test_d64_full.png)

  • d2 = 32

    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe test -model test_d32_statsfalse.prototxt -weights models/net_iter_640000.caffemodel -iterations 183000

    This will give you 68.6 mm (figs/test_d32_full.png)

  • d2 = 16

    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe test -model test_d16_statsfalse.prototxt -weights models/net_iter_560000.caffemodel -iterations 183000

    This will give you 73.6 mm (figs/test_d16_full.png)


Training is a bit tricky. For code structure about prototxt, see prototxt.pdf. Here's the thing:

Note I started with MPII pretrained caffemodel improved-hourglass_iter_640000.caffemodel from GNet repo.

  • I started with d2 = 2 to warm up. Simply run

    cd training 
    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe train --solver=solver_d2.prototxt --weights=improved-hourglass_iter_640000.caffemodel

    I trained from MPII 2D HM pretrained model, with 2.5e-5 as base_lr and RMSProp. 2 GPUs were used unless otherwise specified. Weight initialization is gaussian w/ 0.01 std. Loss ratio of 3d HM to 2d HM is 0.1:1.

  • d2 = 4 Finetune weights from d2 = 2 after convergence.

    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe train --solver=solver_d4.prototxt --snapshot=net_iter_XXX.solverstate 

    You will get around 137 mm on train and 150 mm on test. For eval on training set, simply uncomment "index_lower_bound: 0" "index_upper_bound: 1559571" of "GenRandIndex" layer. Loss ratio is 0.3:1.

  • d2 = 8 Finetune weights from d2 = 4 after convergence.

    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe train --solver=solver_d8.prototxt --snapshot=net_iter_XXX.solverstate 

    You will get around 72 mm on train and 86 mm on test. Loss ratio is 0.1:1.

  • d2 = 16 Finetune weights from d2 = 8 after convergence

    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe train --solver=solver_d16.prototxt --snapshot=net_iter_XXX.solverstate 

    You will get around 47 mm on train and 72 mm on test. Loss ratio is 0.03:1.

  • d2 = 32 Finetune weights from d2 = 16 after net_iter_560000.solverstate

    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe train --solver=solver_d32.prototxt --snapshot=net_iter_560000.solverstate 

    You will get around 39 mm on train and 71 mm on test. Loss ratio is 0.03:1. I changed the weight initialization of 3D heatmap to normal distribution with 0.001 std in place of previous 0.01 as I found the MPJPE did not slump.

  • d2 = 64 Finetune weights from d2 = 32 after net_iter_640000.solverstate

    $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/caffe train --solver=solver_d64.prototxt --snapshot=net_iter_640000.solverstate 

    You will get around 37 mm on train and 68 mm on test. Loss ratio is 0.03:1. I again changed weight initialization of 3D heatmap from 0.001 gaussian $\rightarrow$ 0.0003.

This sounds pretty sketchy, right? Another way to train this is simply train d1 = 1, d2 = 64 from scratch. Details: \emph{missing, TO DO}


  • I set use_global_stats to false during inference due to small batch size, otherwise you would get a totally different MPJPE number. I cannot recall the paper that mentioned it. Let me find the paper.

  • The major differences between prototxts lies in:

    a) depth dimension param (Use sublime or notepad++ to search keywords "depth_dims")

    b) 3d heatmap slicing layer. (Simply search "cube_")

    c) 3d heatmap reshaping layer ("heatmap2_flat_scale")

    d) loss ratio of 3d heatmap and 2d heatmap. Basic rule is magnitude of these two losses should be the same.

    e) different weight initialization of last conv layer for 3d heatmap.

  • I only used L2 loss during training. Nevertheless I have Jenson-Shannon regularization loss, smooth L1 loss, adaptive loss, and integral loss in prototxt, as can be seen in figs/*.png. Adaptive loss tries to automatically balance weight magnitude of different euclidean regression loss. See code.pdf for details about integral loss.

  • MPJPE error of argmax operation is "error(mm)_3d_s2_max".


This line is just a test.

Don't excoriate windows. Mac, ubuntu, windows are all excellent operating systems.

Start cmd.exe run

caffe train .... 

Should you have issues installing windows caffe, contact me.


Feel free to contact me at strawberryfgalois@gmail.com if you have any problem or suggestion.