Rate My Prof

A simple Rails 5 app for rating professors.


Ruby 2.3.5

Install Ruby 2.3.5 using a version manager such as rbenv or RVM if you don't already have it.


Install Bundler:

gem install bundler

Make sure to set the Ruby version to 2.3.5 before installing; eg, in rbenv you can set this in the shell by running rbenv shell 2.3.5 before running the Bundler installation.


This app currently uses an SQLite3 database; in case your platform doesn't have SQLite installed, you can download it from the SQLite website.

You can check if you have it installed by running sqlite3 in the shell, which invokes the CLI.

Running the App

  • Clone or download this repo
  • cd into the top-level directory (after unzipping the archive if applicable)
  • Run bundle install to fetch the dependencies
    • You may have to uncomment the line containing gem 'mini-racer' in the Gemfile depending on your platform; this gem enables the running of JavaScript from the app. See the ExecJS readme for more details.
  • Run bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development to set up the database
  • Run the app using bin/rails server (or bin/rails s for short)