
Squirt a bunch of swagger requests into an API just to get some base requests to start from

Primary LanguagePython



Squirt a bunch of swagger requests into an API just to get some base requests to start from.

This is designed for those times when you've unearthed a large amount of API documentation and you want to quickly triage to something that you can authenticate with, and provide some basic default input on. e.g.

python swagger-hose.py -p orgid pentest -H X-Requested-By swagger-hose -m get,post --proxy http://localhost:8080 -p employeeKey user1 "~/working/data/swagger/*.json"

The above command will take all JSON files in ~/working/data/swagger/ and for each one pick out all the GET and POST requests, assign the parameters orgid with the value pentest and employeeKey with user1 for anywhere these occur, add in the request header X-Requested-By: swagger-hose and then proxy it through Burp on my own machine.

Then in Burp I'll pick out any responses that aren't 40* and have a further poke.


  • Default values for variable types
  • yaml support
  • Test with something other than the swagger v2.0 files that I had on this one pentest I wrote this for