
Web app for tree generation using Ace text editor and D3

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create SVG Trees in real-time by editing JSON objects with the Ace browser based text-editor enhanced with scrubber controls for integers and float values.

Live Demo

See Live Demo



The user edits a JSON object using scrubber controls in the ACE text editor. The real-time state of the JSON object is used to create data. The data is fed through D3 to update the SVG document.


    "branch": {
        // Random seed to control branch layout
        "seed": 38,
        // Start point for base branch segment
        "root": {"x": 623, "y": 900},
        // Angle tree makes with ground (90 is straight up)
        "rootAngle": 75,
        // Start radius for base branch segment
        "rootRadius": 25,
        // Length of base branch segment
        "rootLength": 150,
        // Number of 'bends' in a branch
        "joints": 6,
        // Number of branches that split off from a parent branch
        "splits": 2,
        // Percent reduction in joints for child branches
        "jointShrink": 0.25,
        // Percent reduction in width for child branches
        "widthShrink": 0.3,
        // Percent reduction in length for child branches
        "lengthShrink": 0.3,
        // Minimum allowable branch thickness        
        "minRadius": 2,
        // Max number of levels of child branches
        "maxLevel": 3,
        // Branch color
        // Format: "green", "#333", or "rgba(45,45,45,0.4)"
        "color": "#333"
    "leaf": {
        // Random seed to control leaf layout
        "seed": 234,
        // Color of leaves (even distribution)
        // Format: "green", "#333", or "rgba(45,45,45,0.4)"
        "color": ["green", "#FF0000", "yellow"],
        // Leaf opacity
        "opacity": 0.55,
        // Leaf radius
        "radius": 15,
        // Number of leaves
        "number": 120,
        // Distance from leaf to branch is random between 0 and set number
        "spread": 65,
        // Number of branch segments to ignore starting from base branch
        // segment when randomly placing leaves
        "branchMask": 3
    // Background color behind tree
    // Format: "green", "#333", or "rgba(45,45,45,0.4)"
    "background": "white"


  • Create split screen with ACE on left side

  • Can I use an Ace token to get position info in order to display a scrubber

    • Idea: Ace token is the value
    • Idea: rows are fixed height and can be counted
    • Idea: Columns are mono-space fixed and can be counted
    • Idea: Width and height of Token is known (number of characters)
  • Add check in changeSelection to verify that cursor is over a scrubber value

  • Use Scrubber class to place the scrubber

  • Detect updates

  • Relay update info to currently targeted token

  • Reposition range for editor.session.replace to cleanly cover value

  • IDEA: use remove and insert instead and these depend less on exact length of input

  • Use mousedown, mousemove, and mouseup to track value adjustment

  • Place SVG on the right side

  • Create SVG test code

    • Simple JSON object one property
    • Use simple JSON to create circles in a grid
    • See how D3 handles that
  • Design the JSON tree API

  • Continue work on makeTree and makeBranches

  • Use makeTree and getBranches, which now work, to render a tree without leaves

    • Make sure API config values are causing the correct number of levels and branches
  • Port branch code from old code base

  • Implement getLeaves to place leaves on the tree

  • Bug: scrubber handle does not show for some numbers

  • Use new regex matchAll to find values

  • Connect new regex matchAll results with scrubber list

  • Scrubber style for int and float

  • Implement color scrubber

  • Scrubber style random

  • Scrubber style color

  • Bug: Branches sometimes render in-front of leaves due to D3 cashing/updating I assume

  • Bug: Scrubber handle is behind SVG drawing

  • Fix: Floating points are updated like ints

  • Style the regular scrubber handle

  • Create random scrubber button

  • Clean up tree rendering code

    • Have code pull from seed random
    • Code should output a D3 parsable data set of branches and leaves
  • Editing JSON triggers a re-render which replaces data object

    • Data should automatically be handled by D3
  • Allow multiple trees by passing an array of JSON objects in Ace