
Java Debug Wire Protocol

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Java Debug Wire Protocol

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$ npm i jdwp --save


launch the java project and connect to jvm

const { launcher } = require('jdwp')

const vm = await launcher.launch({
  mainClass: 'Test',
  vmArgs: [ '-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8', '-Xdebug', '-Xnoagent', '-Djava.compiler=NONE' ],
  classPaths: [ __dirname ],
vm.on('event', async ({ events }) => {
await vm.ready();
await vm.resume();

run the example demo

$ node example/index.js

Begin debug Test.java
1  public class Test {
2      public int plus(int a, int b) {
3      	int c = a + b;
4      	return c;
5      }
7      public static void main(String[] args) {
8      	Test test = new Test();
9      	int c = test.plus(1, 2);
10      	System.out.println(c);
11          System.out.println("Hello world");
12      }
13  }

suspend at breakpoint line:10
get local variable c = 3
set local variable c = 4
step => Test main() line:11 Test/Test.java
Hello world
step => Test main() line:12 Test/Test.java
step => java.lang.Thread exit() line:757 java/lang/Thread/Thread.java
step => java.lang.Thread exit() line:758 java/lang/Thread/Thread.java
step => java.lang.Thread exit() line:759 java/lang/Thread/Thread.java
step => java.lang.Thread exit() line:762 java/lang/Thread/Thread.java
step => java.lang.Thread exit() line:764 java/lang/Thread/Thread.java
step => java.lang.Thread exit() line:765 java/lang/Thread/Thread.java
step => java.lang.Thread exit() line:766 java/lang/Thread/Thread.java
step => java.lang.Thread exit() line:767 java/lang/Thread/Thread.java
step => java.lang.Thread exit() line:768 java/lang/Thread/Thread.java
step => java.lang.Thread exit() line:769 java/lang/Thread/Thread.java



  • VirtualMachine Command Set (1)
    • Version (1)
    • ClassesBySignature (2)
    • AllClasses (3)
    • AllThreads (4)
    • TopLevelThreadGroups (5)
    • Dispose (6)
    • IDSizes (7)
    • Suspend (8)
    • Resume (9)
    • Exit (10)
    • CreateString (11)
    • Capabilities (12)
    • ClassPaths (13)
    • DisposeObjects (14)
    • HoldEvents (15)
    • ReleaseEvents (16)
    • CapabilitiesNew (17)
    • RedefineClasses (18)
    • SetDefaultStratum (19)
    • AllClassesWithGeneric (20)
    • InstanceCounts (21)
  • ReferenceType Command Set (2)
    • Signature (1)
    • ClassLoader (2)
    • Modifiers (3)
    • Fields (4)
    • Methods (5)
    • GetValues (6)
    • SourceFile (7)
    • NestedTypes (8)
    • Status (9)
    • Interfaces (10)
    • ClassObject (11)
    • SourceDebugExtension (12)
    • SignatureWithGeneric (13)
    • FieldsWithGeneric (14)
    • MethodsWithGeneric (15)
    • Instances (16)
    • ClassFileVersion (17)
    • ConstantPool (18)
  • ClassType Command Set (3)
    • Superclass (1)
    • SetValues (2)
    • InvokeMethod (3)
    • NewInstance (4)
  • ArrayType Command Set (4)
    • NewInstance (1)
  • InterfaceType Command Set (5)
  • Method Command Set (6)
    • LineTable (1)
    • VariableTable (2)
    • Bytecodes (3)
    • IsObsolete (4)
    • VariableTableWithGeneric (5)
  • Field Command Set (8)
  • ObjectReference Command Set (9)
    • ReferenceType (1)
    • GetValues (2)
    • SetValues (3)
    • MonitorInfo (5)
    • InvokeMethod (6)
    • DisableCollection (7)
    • EnableCollection (8)
    • IsCollected (9)
    • ReferringObjects (10)
  • StringReference Command Set (10)
    • Value (1)
  • ThreadReference Command Set (11)
    • Name (1)
    • Suspend (2)
    • Resume (3)
    • Status (4)
    • ThreadGroup (5)
    • Frames (6)
    • FrameCount (7)
    • OwnedMonitors (8)
    • CurrentContendedMonitor (9)
    • Stop (10)
    • Interrupt (11)
    • SuspendCount (12)
    • OwnedMonitorsStackDepthInfo (13)
    • ForceEarlyReturn (14)
  • ThreadGroupReference Command Set (12)
    • Name (1)
    • Parent (2)
    • Children (3)
  • ArrayReference Command Set (13)
    • Length (1)
    • GetValues (2)
    • SetValues (3)
  • ClassLoaderReference Command Set (14)
    • VisibleClasses (1)
  • EventRequest Command Set (15)
    • Set (1)
    • Clear (2)
    • ClearAllBreakpoints (3)
  • StackFrame Command Set (16)
    • GetValues (1)
    • SetValues (2)
    • ThisObject (3)
    • PopFrames (4)
  • ClassObjectReference Command Set (17)
    • ReflectedType (1)
  • Event Command Set (64)
    • Composite (100)