Vitis Embedded Platform Source

Welcome to the Vitis embedded platform source repository. This repository contains the source code needed to recreate, modify, and extend the Xilinx-provided Vitis embedded platforms. To use this source code, you will need to have the following tools installed:

  • A Linux-based host OS supported by Vitis and PetaLinux
  • Standard GNU build tools (make, etc)
  • Vitis 2020.1
  • PetaLinux 2020.1

This repository is generally divided into two sections:

  • The Xilinx_Official_Platforms directory contains official platform source provided by Xilinx. These official platforms are fully tested with all official Vitis examples, tutorials, etc.

  • The Xilinx_Reference_Platforms directory contains "unofficial" platform source. These platforms generally exist to illustrate particular concepts, provide specific I/O interfaces (e.g. MIPI and HDMI), etc. They are tested with the particular examples delivered for those platforms and Xilinx makes an effort to ensure compatibility, but they are not regressed and tested to the same degree as the official platforms.

For build instructions on any particular platform, please refer to the README in the root directory of the platform source.