
Trying to keep track of where to watch your favorite movies and TV series? Streamchaser provides the definitive guide to what each streaming service has to offer right now!

Primary LanguagePython

CI pre-commit.ci status CodeFactor status

Streamchaser logo with slogan

Streamchaser seeks to simplify movie, series and documentary search located on streaming services by curating all of the content through a centralized entertainment technology platform. Streamchaser seeks to solve the issue where it appears, i.e. in front of the TV. Lastly, Streamchaser is founded on the basis of convenience, which means that no feature, no profit margin and no personal gains should ever compromise the convenience and ease of use for the customer.

Core contributers 👷

First time setup

Here's how to get the application up and running for development


  • Got Git installed
  • Got Docker installed
  1. Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/streamchaser/streamchaser.git
  2. Add .env in root and frontend/
  • Root:
    • HOST_NAME=localhost
    • TMDB_KEY=<get one from https://www.themoviedb.org/signup>
  • Frontend:
    • VITE_API_PATH=http://api.localhost
  1. Build the container docker-compose up --build -d
  2. Run docker-compose exec backend python3 cli.py full-setup --first-time --popularity <1-1000>(the more the less amount of media)
  3. Go to http://localhost/ and search
  4. Optional: docker-compose stop frontend && cd frontend && yarn dev and go to http://localhost:3000 - Our workaround for hot-reloading


To use the cronjob use the following in the terminal: docker-compose exec backend python3 cli.py <command> <parameter>

The most used commands:


The full setup with everything. Grabs the newest zipped file and populates PostgreSQL, then indexes MeiliSearch and redis with all the data used by the frontend.


  • --popularity FLOAT [default: 1]
  • --first-time / --no-first-time [default: no-first-time]


Takes IDs in the format of m123 and t123 for movies and tv-series respectively. Is able to take multiple IDs seperated by spaces.


  • IDS... [required]


Sends media ids to our internal update-media endpoint in chunks. --first-time uses ids from a zipped file, --no-first-time uses recently changed media.


  • --chunk-size INTEGER [default: 1000]
  • --first-time / --no-first-time [default: no-first-time]
  • --popularity FLOAT [default: 1]

Use --help

To get the full list of commands type:

  • docker-compose exec backend python3 cli.py --help

or to get help with a command:

  • docker-compose exec backend python3 cli.py <command> --help

Our tech stack

Streamchaser Tech Stack


Thanks to all the great frameworks and tools!

We will probably forget some, sorry!



