
Tens of thousands of SVG icons from 20+ icon sets in one NPM install in one React component

Primary LanguageTypeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


  • Hundreds 💯+ of SVG icons in one React component
  • One React component
  • TypeScript autocompletion for icon sets and icons
  • Inlines icons as SVG elements, so you can apply CSS styling to them
  • All icons are responsive (SVG widht and height attributes are removed)
  • fill SVG properties are not set, so you can color icons with CSS


React usage

import Svg from 'iconista';

<Svg set='ibm_16' icon='arrow--down' />

Or, simply get the icon URL:

import {getUrl} from 'iconista/lib/getUrl'

const url = getUrl({set: 'ibm_16', icon: 'arrow--down'})
