The Open source Resource as Code framework for Apache Kafka. Jikkou helps you implement GitOps for Kafka at scale!
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Create Action to truncate a kafka topic to a given partition/offsets or timestamp
#488 opened by fhussonnois - 5
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Jikkou artifact not available anymore in the maven repository since 0.33.3
#501 opened by bertrandcedric - 1
BUG: CRUD a topic with a schema, using a large schema registry, fails both schema & topic management
#498 opened by JohnPreston - 3
regarding 0.36 snapshot container
#495 opened by arnoldyahad - 3
ACLs generation using template available ?
#496 opened by Antoine7773 - 2
Migrate integration tests to the new official docker image for Apache Kafka
#490 opened by fhussonnois - 0
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Create a new provider with a resource kind to manage Role Bindings (RBAC) for Confluent Cloud
#491 opened by fhussonnois - 2
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Specify option delete-orphans for topic reconcile
#475 opened by boris-chistov - 3
Download the jikkou binary from the releases page, doesn't work on CI/CD setup
#471 opened by micr01996 - 0
Include Trace from Failed Connector Tasks
#486 opened by aaronmillerbraze - 2
Provide a list resource for SchemaRegistrySubject similar to KafkaTopicList
#478 opened by harshvardhan-j - 3
Cannot Delete Keys from Existing Connectors
#483 opened by aaronmillerbraze - 0
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Cannot delete Connectors
#477 opened by jsims-slower - 2
ACLs deletion not working on AIVEN
#468 opened by bertrandcedric - 2
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SSL error with SASL_SSL security protocol
#473 opened by Antoine7773 - 7
new config-override feature doesn't work
#454 opened by arnoldyahad - 1
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NPE KafkaPrincipalRole io.streamthoughts.jikkou.core.reconciler.DefaultChangeResult["description"])
#461 opened by Antoine7773 - 3
Jikkou API server - kafka-connect support
#455 opened by arnoldyahad - 0
update all resources to use apiVersion `v1`
#458 opened by fhussonnois - 1
Erroneous schema registry subject comparison
#431 opened by minionOfZuul - 4
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Add Jikkou UI
#434 opened by fhussonnois - 3
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Add support for managing Apache Pulsar topics
#433 opened by fhussonnois - 0
Dynamically connect to a kafka-connect cluster
#416 opened by arnoldyahad - 1
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Support newer Schema Registry features
#390 opened by minionOfZuul - 1
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v0.33 ACLs with MATCH expressions are not properly applied with existing topics when using roles and TOPIC MATCH patterns
#382 opened by chrisoberle - 1
Bug in
#383 opened by melbrikz - 1
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Support on MAC machine m2
#334 opened by rahulpoddar-fyndna - 4
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How to use Jinja extends in templating
#338 opened by xynova - 0
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