
Scrapes the recreation.gov website to check for campsite availabilities 🏕🏕🏕

Primary LanguagePython

Campsite Availability Scraping

This has been updated to work with the new recreation.gov site and API!!!

This script scrapes the https://recreation.gov website for campsite availabilities.

Example Usage

$ python camping.py --start-date 2018-07-20 --end-date 2018-07-23 232448 232450 232447 232770
❌ TUOLUMNE MEADOWS: 0 site(s) available out of 148 site(s)
🏕 LOWER PINES: 11 site(s) available out of 73 site(s)
❌ UPPER PINES: 0 site(s) available out of 235 site(s)
❌ BASIN MONTANA CAMPGROUND: 0 site(s) available out of 30 site(s)

You can also read from stdin. Define a file (e.g. parks.txt) with IDs like this:


and then use it like this:

$ python camping.py --start-date 2018-07-20 --end-date 2018-07-23 --stdin < parks.txt

You'll want to put this script into a 5 minute crontab. You could also grep the output for the success emoji (🏕) and then do something in response, like notify you that there is a campsite available. See the "Twitter Notification" section below.

Getting park IDs

What you'll want to do is go to https://recreation.gov and search for the campground you want. Click on it in the search sidebar. This should take you to a page for that campground, the URL will look like https://www.recreation.gov/camping/campgrounds/<number>. That number is the park ID.

You can also take this site for a spin. Thanks to pastudan!


I wrote this in Python 3.7 but I've tested it as working with 3.5 and 3.6 also.

python3 -m venv myvenv
source myvenv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
# You're good to go!


This code is formatted using black and isort:

black -l 80 --py36 camping.py
isort camping.py

Note: black only really supports 3.6+ so watch out!

Feel free to submit pull requests, or look at the original: https://github.com/bri-bri/yosemite-camping

Differences from the original

  • Python 3 🐍🐍🐍.
  • Park IDs not hardcoded, passed via the CLI instead.
  • Doesn't give you URLs for campsites with availabilities.
  • Works with any park out of the box, not just those in Yosemite like with the original.
  • Update 2018-10-21: Works with the new recreation.gov site.

Twitter Notification

If you want to be notified about campsite availabilities via Twitter (they're the only API out there that is actually easy to use), you can do this:

  1. Make an app via Twitter. It's pretty easy, go to: https://apps.twitter.com/app/new.
  2. Change the values in twitter_credentials.py to match your key values.
  3. Pipe the output of your command into notifier.py. See below for an example.
python camping.py --start-date 2018-07-20 --end-date 2018-07-23 70926 70928 | python notifier.py @banool1

You'll want to make the app on another account (like a bot account), not your own, so you get notified when the tweet goes out.

I left my API keys in here but don't exploit them ty thanks.

Thanks to https://github.com/bri-bri/yosemite-camping for getting me most of the way there for the old version.

Mac OS Notifications

If you want to receive notifications on your Mac when running with Cron, read on.

Install terminal-notifier (with Homebrew - brew install terminal-notifier).

Then you will want to run the script cron.sh to send a notification whenever there are campsites. cron.sh takes the same arguments as camping.py. If you are using a virtualenv, provide the path to your virtualenv and run the script like so:

> VIRTUAL_ENV=/path/to/virtualenvdir/.virtualenvs/recreation-gov /path/to/respository/cron.sh --start-date 2019-11-11 --end-date 2019-11-12 232447

Then, when the script runs, it'll send notifications.