
Auto-check and convert parameters of request

Primary LanguagePython



Flask-ArgExt is designed to make it easier to deal with arguments' types through requests. Validate and convert the types automatically.


Activate your virtualenv, assume your virtualenvs location is /srv/virtualenvs

$ source /srv/virtualenvs/env/bin/activate

and install the extension with the following commands

$ mkdir ~/workspace && cd ~/workspace

$ git clone git@github.com:streethacker/flask-argext.git

$ cd flask_argext && make install

Quick Start

Once installed, the Flask-ArgExt is easy to use. Import and wrap the function(the request handler) with parse_args, a decorator which receives a dictionary with argument name(e.g. user_id) & its coresponding type(a descriptor, e.g. IntField) pairs


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from .models import (

from flask_argext import (

from flask_argext.fields import (

    'user_ids': ListField,
    'created_at': DateField,
def mget(user_ids, created_at):

     if not user_ids:
         return []

     users = DBSession().query(User).\
         filter(User.created_at >= created_at).\

     return users

Then checkout to the directory which contains the runserver.py file, and start the sever

$ python runserver.py

and now you can test your api using CURL

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/user?user_ids=1,2,3,4&created_at=2015-01-01

As a result, user_ids would be automatically converted to [1, 2, 3, 4], and created_at would be datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0)

Builtin Fields

A bundle of data types is supported by default, i.e. these data types can be imported and used directly. Each type is a descriptor, which contains a __get__ and __set__ method to restrict the operations

Complete Type List

1. IntField

Argument which specified to IntField would be converted to int type, raise ArgError if any unexpected error occurred

2. FloatField

Argument which specified to FloatField would be converted to float type, raise ArgError if any unexpected error occurred

3. StringField

Argument which specified to StringField would be converted to str type, raise ArgError if any unexpected error occurred

Caution: str in Python 2.x is quite different from unicode

4. ListField

Argument which specified to ListField would be converted to list type, raise ArgError if any unexpected error occurred

Caution: ListField could also accept a callable object as its inside elements type, e.g. int or str, default is int

Here is an example

    'user_ids': ListField(inside_fmt=int),
def mget(user_ids):
    return User.mget(user_ids)

5. DateField

Argument which specified to DateField would be converted to datetime.datetime type, raise ArgError if any unexpected error occurred

Caution: Considering compatibility, DateField actually convert the argument to the same type as DatetimeField. However, if you send an argument like '2015-09-10 12:34:10', the ArgError would be raised rigidly

6. DatetimeField

Argument which specified to DatetimeField would be converted to datetime.datetime type, raise ArgError if any unexpected error occurred

Advanced Usage

You can customize your own data types by inherit the BaseField class, and implement your own __get__ and __set__ method


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from flask_argext.fields import (

from flask_argext.exc import (

class UnicodeField(BaseField):

     __format__ = unicode

     def __init__(self, val=None, fmt=None):
         self._fmt = fmt if callable(fmt) else self.__format__
             self._val = self._fmt(val) if val is not None else val
         except ArgFormatError:
             raise ArgError(
                 "{}() invalid argument format: {}".format(self._fmt.__name__, self._val)

     def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
             return self._fmt(self._val)
         except ArgFormatError:
             raise ArgError(
                 "{}() invalid argument format: {}".format(self._fmt.__name__, self._val)

     def __set__(self, instance, val):
             self._val = self._fmt(val)
         except ArgFormatError:
             raise ArgError(
                 "{}() invalid argument format: {}".format(self._fmt.__name__, self._val)

then you can use your own UnicodeField the same way as default data types

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from .models import (

from flask_argext import (

    'username': UnicodeField,
def get(username):
     return User.get_by_name(username)   # username is already unicode