Vue-bus-ts is a vue-event-bus plugin that supports typescript
Vue-event-bus Vue-event Vue-event-bus-ts Vue-event-ts
MIT License
npm i -S vue-bus-ts
import Vue from 'vue';
import EventBus from 'vue-bus-ts';
var bus = new EventBus.Bus();
new Vue({
render: (h) => h(App),
$on(action: string, fn: any): any
var eventId = this.$bus.$on('event_name', function (params: any) {
// params is the parameter passed in by $emit
// do something...
$emit(action: string, params?: any): any
// params can pass in any form of value, including Array, Object, String, Number, null, undefined or even array expansion items.or example,
var eventResult = this.$bus.$emit('event_name', params)
1. var result = this.$bus.$emit('event_name', [1,2,3])
2. var result = this.$bus.$emit('event_name', {})
3. var result = this.$bus.$emit('event_name', 'string')
4. let a = 1, b = 'test', c = [1, 2, 3], d = {a: 'test'}
var result = this.$bus.$emit('event_name', a, b ,c, d)
5. var result = this.$bus.$emit('event_name', null)
6. var result = this.$bus.$emit('event_name')
$off(action: string, id: number): void
this.$bus.$off('event_name', eventId)// To unbind event binding, eventId is the return value of this.$bus.$on
$subscribed(action: string): boolean
let result = this.$bus.$subscribed('event_name')
if (result) {
// do something...