
z3.is a simple NodeJS webapp with cool functionality like a pastebin, URL shortener, ShareX compatibility, and more.

Primary LanguageEJSMIT LicenseMIT


A simple NodeJS app to host my site z3.is.


  • Pastebin w/ Expiration & Burn on Read
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • URL Shortener
  • File upload storage
  • Download files from remote URLs
  • Download progress percentage with WebSockets
  • DB management page to view / delete everything
  • Scopes system to create new users with certain scopes


  1. Clone the repository, then run npm install
  2. Copy .env.example to .env, and edit it with the correct details
  3. Run the app using node index.js
  4. Navigate to /admin to create an account with the superadmin scope


Scopes are how certain accounts are given access to specific sections of the website.

  • superadmin - access to everything (can make new superadmin accounts)
  • users - access to create / delete users (can't create / delete superadmin accounts)
  • links - access to the URL shortener
  • pastes - access to the pastebin system
  • upload - access to upload files (limited by MAXUPLOAD size in .env, -1 for no limit)
  • download - access to download remote files (limited by MAXDOWNLOAD size in .env, -1 for no limit)

Superadmins can view the creations of all other users, so give people this scope with caution. People without the superadmin scope will only be able to see their own creations. However, people with the users scope can see and delete non-superadmin accounts.

API Tokens & ShareX

z3.is also supports ShareX's custom uploaders for the pastebin, url shortener, and file upload functionality.

API Routes

Using these routes without the session cookie requires an authorization header, in the following format:

Authorization: Bearer [API TOKEN]

The list of routes important for functionality are:

  • POST /api/shorten
  • POST /api/paste
  • POST /api/upload

These routes when used with an API token will respond with the URL of the new resource exactly.

Example queries:

curl -X POST https://z3.is/api/shorten -d "url=https://google.com" -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN"
curl -X POST https://z3.is/api/paste -d "text=pastedata" -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN"
curl -X POST https://z3.is/api/upload -F "file=@test.txt" -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN"

Check the sharex folder for custom uploaders you can use directly with ShareX, just make sure to edit them to add your API token first.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
