
Paint in browser as it is

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Front-End Visualization: Canvas Avatar

Constructing avatar application

Canvas Avatar

System requirements:

  • Node.js -v 4.0.0
  • NPM -v 2.14.2

Dependencies installation:

$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install -g http-server

Running application:

$ git clone [git-repo-url] canvas-avatar-painter
$ cd canvas-avatar-painter
$ bower install
$ http-server -p 3000


Application advantages:

  • Modular file structure
  • Modular code structure
  • BEM layout structure
  • jQuery code style
  • High level UX

Implemented features:

  • Dynamic canvas creation depends on device screen resolution
  • Pure CSS loader component is shown before canvas has loaded
  • Drawing freestyle custom elements instead of predefined ones
  • Ability to choose color for drawing elements and components
  • Ability to load face template for increasing drawing speed
  • Ability to download the image you create onto file system
  • Ability to clear canvas without reloading active page

Check list:

  • Start the server on 3000 port and open browser
  • Default color to draw on canvas is black one
  • You can easily change it just tapping on pallete
  • Tap on IMPORT button to choose male of female face prototype
  • Improve the template with elements, e.g. eyes, nose, lips, etc.
  • Draw your avatar and tap EXPORT button to download image
  • Tap on CLEAR button to clear canvas and start drawing again