
JavaScript mentoring program achievements

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Front-End Visualization: D3.js Charts

Constructing D3 charts application according to the [Home Assignment] (https://kb.epam.com/display/GDOKB/Lecture19%3A+D3.js+library)

D3.js Charts

System requirements:

  • Node.js -v 4.0.0
  • NPM -v 2.14.2

Dependencies installation:

$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install -g http-server

Running application:

$ git clone [git-repo-url] js_mentoring_kyiv_2015
$ cd js_mentoring_kyiv_2015/Module7/Hw19/d3-charts
$ bower install
$ http-server -p 3000


Application advantages:

  • Modular file structure
  • Modular code structure
  • BEM layout structure
  • jQuery code style
  • High level UX

Implemented features:

  • EPAM visual guidelines recommendations are in place
  • Toggle component to choose between EASY and CUTE chart
  • Transitions for changing states
  • Dynamic data with students grades
  • Statistics from the beginning of time
  • Pie layout and bar chart work together

Check list:

  • Start the server on 3000 port and open browser
  • Choose between EASY and CUTE charts
  • Low, Mid and High names corresponds to 2, 3 and 4 marks
  • Enjoy with EASY and have fun with CUTE one