
Travel and help CI config

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Travel and Help: Travis-CI Build Status

EPAM Systems

System requirements:

  • node -v ~5.9.1
  • npm -v ~3.8.2
  • cordova -v ~6.0.0
  • java -v ~1.8.0_45

Getting started:

$ git clone [url] travel-and-help-ci
$ cd travel-and-help-ci

Start development:

$ npm start

Run unit tests:

$ npm test

Build application:

$ npm run build

Launch cordova: manual

$ cordova create travel-and-help help.and.travel TravelAndHelp
$ cordova platform add android --save
$ cordova build android
$ android avd
$ cordova emulate android

Setup heroku: manual

$ heroku --version
$ heroku create travel-and-help-ci
$ travis encrypt $(heroku auth:token) --add deploy.api_key
$ heroku open