
R functions for simulating factorial datasets

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It is useful to be able to simulate data with a specified structure. The faux package provides some functions to make this process easier. See the package website for more details.


You can install the released version of faux from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

How to use faux


This function creates a dataset with a specific between- and/or within-subjects design. see vignette

For example, the following creates a 2w*2b design with 100 observations in each cell. The between-subject factor is pet with two levels (cat and dog). The within-subject factor is time with two levels (day and night). The mean for the cat_day cell is 10, the mean for the cat_night cell is 20, the mean for the dog_day cell is 15, and the mean for the dog_night cell is 25. All cells have a SD of 5 and all within-subject cells are correlated r = 0.5. The resulting data has exactly these values (set empirical = FALSE to sample from a population with these values). Set plot = TRUE to show a plot of means and SDs.

between <- list(pet = c(cat = "Cat Owners", 
                        dog = "Dog Owners"))
within <- list(time = c("morning", "noon", "evening", "night"))
mu <- data.frame(
  cat    = c(10, 12, 14, 16),
  dog    = c(10, 15, 20, 25),
  row.names = within$time
df <- sim_design(within, between, 
                 n = 100, mu = mu, sd = 5, r = .5,
                 empirical = TRUE, plot = TRUE)

plot of chunk plot-sim-design

pet n var morning noon evening night mean sd
cat 100 evening 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 14 5
cat 100 morning 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 10 5
cat 100 night 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 16 5
cat 100 noon 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 12 5
dog 100 evening 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 20 5
dog 100 morning 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 10 5
dog 100 night 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 25 5
dog 100 noon 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 15 5

Table: Sample sim_design() stats

You can plot the data from sim_design() and swap the factor visualisations. see vignette

p1 <- plot_design(df)
p2 <- plot_design(df, "pet", "time")

cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 2, align = "v")

plot of chunk plot-design


This function produces a data table with the same distributions and correlations as an existing data table. It only returns numeric columns and simulates all numeric variables from a continuous normal distribution (for now). see vignette

For example, the following code creates a new sample from the built-in dataset iris with 50 observations of each species.

new_iris <- sim_df(iris, 50, between = "Species") 

Simulated iris dataset


This function produces a data table for a basic cross-classified design with random intercepts for subjects and items.

For example, the following code produces the data for 100 subjects responding to 50 items where the response has an overall mean (grand_i) of 10. Subjects vary in their average response with an SD of 1, items vary in their average response with an SD of 2, and the residual error term has an SD of 3.

dat <- sim_mixed_cc(
  sub_n = 100,  # subject sample size
  item_n = 50,  # item sample size
  grand_i = 10, # overall mean of the score
  sub_sd = 1,   # SD of subject random intercepts
  item_sd = 2,  # SD of item random intercepts
  error_sd = 3  # SD of residual error

You can then see how changing these numbers affects the random effects in an intercept-only mixed effects model.

lme4::lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | sub_id) + (1 | item_id), data = dat) %>%
  broom.mixed::tidy() %>%
  knitr::kable(digits = 2)
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'broom.mixed':
#>   method      from 
#>   tidy.gamlss broom
effect group term estimate std.error statistic
fixed NA (Intercept) 9.79 0.28 34.83
ran_pars sub_id sd__(Intercept) 0.99 NA NA
ran_pars item_id sd__(Intercept) 1.84 NA NA
ran_pars Residual sd__Observation 2.95 NA NA


This function uses lme4::lmer() to get subject, item and error SDs from an existing dataset and simulates a new dataset with the specified number of subjects and items with distributions drawn from the example data.

new_dat <- sim_mixed_df(fr4, 
                        sub_n = 100, 
                        item_n = 50, 
                        dv = "rating", 
                        sub_id = "rater_id", 
                        item_id = "face_id")


This function makes multiple normally distributed vectors with specified parameters and relationships. see vignette

For example, the following creates a sample that has 100 observations of 3 variables, drawn from a population where A has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, while B and C have means of 20 and SDs of 5. A correlates with B and C with r = 0.5, and B and C correlate with r = 0.25.

dat <- rnorm_multi(
  n = 100, 
  mu = c(0, 20, 20),
  sd = c(1, 5, 5),
  r = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.25), 
  varnames = c("A", "B", "C"),
  empirical = FALSE
#> �[32mThe number of variables (vars) was guessed from the input to be 3�[39m
n var A B C mean sd
100 A 1.00 0.53 0.55 0.02 1.08
100 B 0.53 1.00 0.29 20.18 5.15
100 C 0.55 0.29 1.00 20.18 5.25

Table: Sample rnorm_multi() stats


This function creates a vector that has a specified correlation with an existing vector.

# create a pre-existing vector x
x <- rnorm(100, 0, 1)

# create a vector y with exactly mean=0, sd=1, and r(x,y)=0.5
y <- rnorm_pre(x, mu = 0, sd = 1, r = 0.5, empirical = TRUE)

  mean = mean(y),
  sd = sd(y),
  r = cor(x,y)
) %>% str()
#> List of 3
#>  $ mean: num -1.24e-17
#>  $ sd  : num 1
#>  $ r   : num 0.5

If empirical = FALSE (the default), this resulting vector is sampled from a population with the specified parameters (but won't have exactly those properties).

Distribution of 1000 samples from rnorm_pre

Additional functions {#add_func}


Sometimes you want to mess up a dataset for teaching (thanks for the idea, Emily!). The messy() function will replace prop proportion of the data in the specified columns with the value of replace (defaults to NA).

# replace 10% of Species with NA
iris2 <- messy(iris, 0.1, "Species")

# replace 10% of petal.Width adn Sepal.Width with NA
iris3 <- messy(iris, 0.1, "Petal.Width", "Sepal.Width")

# replace 50% of columns 1-2 with NA
iris4 <- messy(iris, 0.5, 1:2)

# replace 50% of Species with "NOPE"
iris5 <- messy(iris, 0.5, "Species", replace = "NOPE")


If you want to check your simulated stats or just describe an existing dataset, use get_params().

n var Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width mean sd
150 Petal.Length 0.87 -0.43 1.00 0.96 3.76 1.77
150 Petal.Width 0.82 -0.37 0.96 1.00 1.20 0.76
150 Sepal.Length 1.00 -0.12 0.87 0.82 5.84 0.83
150 Sepal.Width -0.12 1.00 -0.43 -0.37 3.06 0.44

You can also group your data and change the digits to round.

           between = "Species", 
           digits = 3)
Species n var Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width mean sd
setosa 50 Petal.Length 0.27 0.18 1.00 0.33 1.46 0.17
setosa 50 Petal.Width 0.28 0.23 0.33 1.00 0.25 0.11
setosa 50 Sepal.Length 1.00 0.74 0.27 0.28 5.01 0.35
setosa 50 Sepal.Width 0.74 1.00 0.18 0.23 3.43 0.38
versicolor 50 Petal.Length 0.75 0.56 1.00 0.79 4.26 0.47
versicolor 50 Petal.Width 0.55 0.66 0.79 1.00 1.33 0.20
versicolor 50 Sepal.Length 1.00 0.53 0.75 0.55 5.94 0.52
versicolor 50 Sepal.Width 0.53 1.00 0.56 0.66 2.77 0.31
virginica 50 Petal.Length 0.86 0.40 1.00 0.32 5.55 0.55
virginica 50 Petal.Width 0.28 0.54 0.32 1.00 2.03 0.27
virginica 50 Sepal.Length 1.00 0.46 0.86 0.28 6.59 0.64
virginica 50 Sepal.Width 0.46 1.00 0.40 0.54 2.97 0.32


It is useful for IDs for random effects (e.g., subjects or stimuli) to be character strings (so you don't accidentally include them as fixed effects) with the same length s(o you can sort them in order like S01, S02,..., S10 rather than S1, S10, S2, ...) This function returns a list of IDs that have the same string length and a specified prefix.

make_id(n = 10, prefix = "ITEM_")
#>  [1] "ITEM_01" "ITEM_02" "ITEM_03" "ITEM_04" "ITEM_05" "ITEM_06" "ITEM_07"
#>  [8] "ITEM_08" "ITEM_09" "ITEM_10"

You can also manually set the number of digits and set n to a range of integers.

make_id(n = 10:20, digits = 3)
#>  [1] "S010" "S011" "S012" "S013" "S014" "S015" "S016" "S017" "S018" "S019"
#> [11] "S020"


Convert a data table made with faux from long to wide.

between <- list("pet" = c("cat", "dog"))
within <- list("time" = c("day", "night"))
df_long <- sim_design(within, between, long = TRUE, plot = FALSE)

df_wide <- long2wide(df_long)
id pet day night
1.S001.1 S001 cat 0.5230799 0.5415126
1.S002.1 S002 cat -1.2129722 -0.6874280
1.S003.1 S003 cat -0.5516822 -0.7844739
1.S004.1 S004 cat -0.6098251 -0.6234040
1.S005.1 S005 cat 0.2853363 2.3027620
1.S006.1 S006 cat -0.2490935 -0.6530662

If you have a data table not made by faux, you need to specify the within-subject columns, the between-subject columns, the DV column, and the ID column.

# make a long data table
df_long <- expand.grid(
  sub_id = 1:10,
  A = c("A1", "A2"),
  B = c("B1", "B2")
df_long$C <- rep(c("C1", "C2"), 20)
df_long$score <- rnorm(40)

# convert it to wide
df_wide <- long2wide(df_long, within = c("A", "B"), 
                     between = "C", dv = "score", id = "sub_id")
sub_id C A1_B1 A2_B1 A1_B2 A2_B2
1 C1 -0.3782026 0.0048040 -0.5674500 0.6154273
2 C2 0.5338898 -1.6407051 1.7815958 -2.1325543
3 C1 1.2792787 1.4960844 0.6207239 1.7913821
4 C2 0.1885384 -0.0884940 -0.7397000 0.0295121
5 C1 -0.3090509 -0.3942107 0.9916406 -0.2951152
6 C2 1.4168226 0.8341336 0.0634940 -1.1571559


You can convert a data table made by faux from wide to long easily.

between <- list("pet" = c("cat", "dog"))
within <- list("time" = c("day", "night"))
df_wide <- sim_design(within, between, long = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
df_long <- wide2long(df_wide)
id pet time y
S001.1 S001 cat day -0.9012830
S002.1 S002 cat day -0.3205931
S003.1 S003 cat day -0.7733501
S004.1 S004 cat day -1.1861210
S005.1 S005 cat day -1.0848848
S006.1 S006 cat day -0.4888620

If you have a data table not made by faux, you need to specify the within-subject factors and columns, and specify the names of the ID and DV columns to create.

If column names are combinations of factor levels (e.g., A1_B1, A1_B2, A2_B1, A2_B2), then you can specify the regex pattern to separate them with the argument sep (which defaults to _).

long_iris <- wide2long(
    within_factors = c("feature", "dimension"),
    within_cols = 1:4,
    dv = "value",
    id = "flower_id",
    sep = "\\."
flower_id Species feature dimension value
S001.1 S001 setosa Sepal Length 5.1
S002.1 S002 setosa Sepal Length 4.9
S003.1 S003 setosa Sepal Length 4.7
S004.1 S004 setosa Sepal Length 4.6
S005.1 S005 setosa Sepal Length 5.0
S006.1 S006 setosa Sepal Length 5.4


If you have a data table in long format, you can recover the design from it by specifying the dv and id columns (assuming all other columns are within- or between-subject factors).

design <- get_design_long(long_iris, dv = "value", id = "flower_id")

plot of chunk get-design-long


Then you can use json_design() to save the design to a file or view it in JSON format (condensed or pretty).

json_design(design, pretty = TRUE)
  "within": {
    "feature": {
      "Sepal": "Sepal",
      "Petal": "Petal"
    "dimension": {
      "Length": "Length",
      "Width": "Width"
  "between": {
    "Species": {
      "setosa": "setosa",
      "versicolor": "versicolor",
      "virginica": "virginica"
  "dv": {
    "value": "value"
  "id": {
    "flower_id": "flower_id"
  "n": {
    "setosa": 50,
    "versicolor": 50,
    "virginica": 50
  "mu": {
    "setosa": {
      "Sepal_Length": 5.006,
      "Sepal_Width": 3.428,
      "Petal_Length": 1.462,
      "Petal_Width": 0.246
    "versicolor": {
      "Sepal_Length": 5.936,
      "Sepal_Width": 2.77,
      "Petal_Length": 4.26,
      "Petal_Width": 1.326
    "virginica": {
      "Sepal_Length": 6.588,
      "Sepal_Width": 2.974,
      "Petal_Length": 5.552,
      "Petal_Width": 2.026
  "sd": {
    "setosa": {
      "Sepal_Length": 0.35248969,
      "Sepal_Width": 0.37906437,
      "Petal_Length": 0.173664,
      "Petal_Width": 0.10538559
    "versicolor": {
      "Sepal_Length": 0.51617115,
      "Sepal_Width": 0.31379832,
      "Petal_Length": 0.46991098,
      "Petal_Width": 0.19775268
    "virginica": {
      "Sepal_Length": 0.63587959,
      "Sepal_Width": 0.32249664,
      "Petal_Length": 0.5518947,
      "Petal_Width": 0.27465006
  "r": {
    "setosa": [
      [1, 0.74254669, 0.26717576, 0.27809835],
      [0.74254669, 1, 0.17769997, 0.23275201],
      [0.26717576, 0.17769997, 1, 0.33163004],
      [0.27809835, 0.23275201, 0.33163004, 1]
    "versicolor": [
      [1, 0.52591072, 0.75404896, 0.54646107],
      [0.52591072, 1, 0.56052209, 0.66399872],
      [0.75404896, 0.56052209, 1, 0.78666809],
      [0.54646107, 0.66399872, 0.78666809, 1]
    "virginica": [
      [1, 0.45722782, 0.86422473, 0.28110771],
      [0.45722782, 1, 0.40104458, 0.53772803],
      [0.86422473, 0.40104458, 1, 0.32210822],
      [0.28110771, 0.53772803, 0.32210822, 1]


Not all correlation matrices are possible. For example, if variables A and B are correlated with r = 1.0, then the correlation between A and C can only be exactly equal to the correlation between B and C.

The function pos_def_limits() lets you know what the possible range of values is for the missing value in a correlation matrix with one missing value. The correlation values are entered just from the top right triangle of the matrix, with a single NA for the missing value.

lims <- pos_def_limits(.8, .2, NA)

For example, if rAB = 0.8 and rAC = 0.2, then -0.42 <= rBC <= 0.74.

If you enter a correlation matrix that contains impossible combinations, your limits will be NA.

lims <- pos_def_limits(.8, .2,  0,
                          -.5, NA,


If you have a full matrix and want to know if it is positive definite, you can use the following code:

c(.2, .3, .4, .2,
      .3, -.1, .2,
           .4, .5,
               .3) %>%
  cormat_from_triangle() %>%
#> [1] TRUE
matrix(c(1, .3, -.9, .2,
        .3,  1,  .4, .5,
       -.9, .4,   1, .3,
        .2, .5,  .3,  1), 4) %>%
#> [1] FALSE

Please note that the [34m'faux'[39m project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.