
Misc stuff

Primary LanguagePython

Exploit Development

  • Alphanumeric shellcode encoder utility uses opcodes' 2's complement to generate a series of SUB instructions ergo alphanum bytecode
  • PyCommand for finding pointers when a vulnerability leads to indirect EIP control (function pointer overwrite), it'll find a desired instruction and calculate it's "pointer to pointer"

Example, typical function pointer overwrite "Easy File Management WebServer Stack b0f":

  1. We control EDI
  2. Instruction CALL DWORD PTR [EDI+28] is called
  3. ESI points to our buffer
  4. EDI+28 contains a DWORD used as pointer to some memory address
  5. EIP executes the opcodes contained in that memory address Solution:
  • Place an address in EDI such that when added +28 will point to a place in memory where there's a pointer to JMP ESI

Hotpatch API Hooking

  • Inline/hotpatch API hook for HttpSendRequestW
  • Tested on Internet Explorer 8
  • Desktop change & full screen

PHP Shell

  • Command history for commands executed from PHP objects :)
  • Base64 encoding - command & output

Authentication, tunneling, info