
A simple node wrapper around the TexturePacker command line tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simple wrapper around the TexturePacker (https://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker) command line tool for build integration. The command line tool must be installed and available on your PATH.

Any valid option can be passed into the main function, just convert it from --kebab-case to camelCase. Options that require no value, like multipack will have the true stripped from the command.

The path you specify needs to be specified relative to the script of execution. Check the npm script example in package.json for an example


texturepacker.exec(path, options);
const texturepacker = require('texturepacker');

texturepacker.exec('imagefile', {
    format: 'phaser-json-hash',
    maxSize: 2048,
    scaleMode: 'Smooth',
    multipack: true