
Test repo for SCIM front end with Auth

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This repo deploys and configures the PostgreSQL database and Redis instance to support SCIMPLISTIC




Integration tests (e2e) are described in e2e directory. Tests cover all cases, including data structure and routes validation.

  • Start environment with docker-compose start
  • Start back-end API with make run
  • Run tests with make e2e



  • Start DB and Redis containers with docker-compose startlocated in deployments
    • Pre-create containers before start using docker-compose up -d (one time operation)
  • make run


Use make to build the project. Output binary will be located at target directory.


The service can be configured using environment variables, or a config file

Use -c flag to provide path to a config file.

Environment Variables

See config.go for more options.

Name Type Defaults Description
SCIMFE_HTTP_ADDR string :8800 Interface to listen by HTTP server
SCIMFE_DB_ADDRESS string postgres://localhost:5432/ledger Postgres DB address (URL or DSN)
SCIMFE_REDIS_ADDRESS string localhost:6379 Redis server address
SCIMFE_REDIS_USER string - Redis username
SCIMFE_REDIS_PASSWORD string - Redis password
SCIMFE_REDIS_DB int - Redis database number
SCIMFE_MIGRATIONS_DIR string db/migrations Path to directory containing migration scripts
SCIMFE_VERSION_TABLE string schema_migrations Name of a table, which contains database version
SCIMFE_SCHEMA_VERSION int - Force set schema version (dangerous)
SCIMFE_NO_MIGRATION bool false Skip database migration