
Golang CGo Wrapper around JSonnet VM

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Simple golang cgo wrapper around JSonnet VM.

Everything in libjsonnet.h is covered except the multi-file evaluators.

See jsonnet_test.go for how to use it.

Quick example in golang:

    vm := jsonnet.Make()
    vm.ExtVar("color", "purple")

    x, err := vm.EvaluateSnippet(`Test_Demo`, `"dark " + std.extVar("color")`)

    if err != nil {
    if x != "\"dark purple\"\n" {
            panic("fail: we got " + x)


Quick examples with the command line demo program:

$ ( cd jsonnet_main/  ; go  build -x -a )
mv $WORK/b001/exe/a.out jsonnet_main
$ echo "{ a: 1, b: 2 }"  | jsonnet_main/jsonnet_main /dev/stdin
   "a": 1,
   "b": 2
$ cat test1.j
  shell: "/bin/sh",
  awk: "/usr/bin/awk",
$ jsonnet_main/jsonnet_main test1.j
   "awk": "/usr/bin/awk",
   "shell": "/bin/sh"
$ cat test2.j
local test1 = import "test1.j";

test1 {
  shell: "/bin/csh",
$ jsonnet_main/jsonnet_main test2.j
   "awk": "/usr/bin/awk",
   "shell": "/bin/csh"
$ echo ' std.extVar("a") + "bar" ' | jsonnet_main/jsonnet_main /dev/stdin a=foo


Notice the various LICENSE* files. I cannot offer legal advice, but you might find that the Apache License is the most restrictive.

Most of this code comes from https://github.com/google/jsonnet and is under the Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004, and our files that match filenames there are under that license.

Notice the third_party/ directory in that distribution. It has json/ and md5/ under their own licences, and our files that match filenames there are under those licenses.

Anything new added here is under an MIT license in the plain LICENSE file.