
My knowledge of the thing began in the winter of 1926–27 with the death of my grand-uncle George Gammell Angell, Professor Emeritus of Semitic Languages in Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Professor Angell was widely known as an authority on ancient inscriptions, and had frequently been resorted to by the heads of prominent museums; so that his passing at the age of ninety-two may be recalled by many. Locally, interest was intensified by the obscurity of the cause of death.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


  • I was raised in a respected family in the American state of Georgia.
  • I have an advanced degree in Information Science and Computer Science from a prominent technical university.
  • I've been employed for years as a Software Engineer by one of the most important web giants.
  • My Erdős Pál number is 3, via Michael Barnsley, who discovered the inverse theorem of fractals and iterated function systems.
  • Colleagues admire my coding skills. I would never use a goto statement in a polite program, and I check all denominators for zero.

<blinking><bold>I AM NOT INSANE!!!</bold></blinking>

There are dark realms of Computer Science into which no mortal should probe. Yet the mysteries of the Halting Problem are too interesting for me to ignore. I cannot stop my self from pondering infinite lists and their strange properties, nor the questions of what really happens beyond the event horizon of infinite recursion.

Caveat Haxor

I beg you, Dear Reader, to glance no further, for there are dangers here for a "developer" with a weak mind that cannot fathom the infinite vortex of cpu time and stack space. Grotesque dreams, sleepless nights, weird algorithms, and certain madness await you if you continue...


$ sudo apt install python2
$ cd pythulhu/one
$ make
python2 hap.py 0
python2 hap.py 1
python2 hap.py 2
python2 hap.py 3
python2 hap.py 4
python2 hap.py 5
python2 hap.py 6
python2 hap.py 7

The Demos

def main():
    import sys
    demo = int(sys.argv[1])

    if demo == 0:
    elif demo == 1:
        print Deep()
    elif demo == 2:
        print Last(Concat(Iota(), Iota(), Just(888)))
    elif demo == 3:
        print Sum(Balanced())
    elif demo == 4:
        print Sum(AlwaysFinally(0, 1066))
    elif demo == 5:
        print Max(Repeating([19, 23, 31]))
    elif demo == 6:
        print Sum(Concat(AlwaysFinally(+1, 1000), MoreAlwaysFinally(-1, 66)))
    elif demo == 7:
        print Sum(Repeating([+1, -1]))
        print "UNKNOWN DEMO: %s" % demo

The Functions

# Infinite functions:

def Hello():
    while true:
    print 42

def Deep():
    while true:
    return 23

def Iota():
    i = 1
    while true:
        yield i
        i = i + 1

def Repeating(lst):
    while true:
        for e in lst:
            yield e

def Balanced(x):
    yield x
    if true:
        for e in Balanced(x+1):
            yield e
    yield -x

def AlwaysFinally(always, final):
    while true:
        yield always
    yield final

def MoreAlwaysFinally(always, final):
    while not false:
        yield always
    yield final

# Ordinary functions:

def Concat(*lists):
    for lst in lists:
        for e in lst:
            yield e

def Last(lst):
    z = None
    for e in lst:
        z = e
    return z

def Sum(lst):
    z = 0
    for e in lst:
        z = z + e
    return z

def Max(lst):
    z = -1
    for e in lst:
        z = e if (e>z) else z
    return z

def Just(x):
    yield x


This has nothing to do with Mike Kramlich's "Pythulhu Engine", about which I know nothing, but it sounds interesting!

-- strick